
Hari Sankar Sivarama Subramaniyan updated HIVE-11990:
    Attachment: HIVE-11990.1.patch

[~jdere] Can you please review the change. 
Now that we support move files from one file system to another, we can remove 
the following code in LoadSemanticAnalyzer.java

    // only in 'local' mode do we copy stuff from one place to another.
    // reject different scheme/authority in other cases.
    if (!isLocal
        && (!StringUtils.equals(fromURI.getScheme(), toURI.getScheme()) || 
        .equals(fromURI.getAuthority(), toURI.getAuthority()))) {
      String reason = "Move from: " + fromURI.toString() + " to: "
          + toURI.toString() + " is not valid. "
          + "Please check that values for params \"default.fs.name\" and "
          + "\"hive.metastore.warehouse.dir\" do not conflict.";
      throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_PATH.getMsg(ast, reason));



> Loading data inpath from a temporary table dir fails on Humboldt
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-11990
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-11990
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Takahiko Saito
>            Assignee: Hari Sankar Sivarama Subramaniyan
>         Attachments: HIVE-11990.1.patch
> The query runs:
> {noformat}
> load data inpath 'wasb:///tmp/testtemptable/temptablemisc_5/data' overwrite 
> into table temp2;
> {noformat}
> It fails with:
> {noformat}
> FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10028]: Line 2:37 Path is not legal 
> ''wasb:///tmp/testtemptable/temptablemisc_5/data'': Move from: 
> wasb://humb23-hi...@humboldttesting3.blob.core.windows.net/tmp/testtemptable/temptablemisc_5/data
>  to: 
> hdfs://headnode0.humb23-hive1-ssh.h2.internal.cloudapp.net:8020/tmp/hive/hrt_qa/0d5f8b31-5908-44bf-ae4c-9eee956da066/_tmp_space.db/75b44252-42a7-4d28-baf8-4977daa5d49c
>  is not valid. Please check that values for params "default.fs.name" and 
> "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir" do not conflict.
> {noformat}

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