
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on HIVE-23725:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 08/Sep/20 09:08
            Start Date: 08/Sep/20 09:08
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: deniskuzZ commented on a change in pull request #1474:
URL: https://github.com/apache/hive/pull/1474#discussion_r484767687

File path: ql/src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/lockmgr/TestDbTxnManager2.java
@@ -2315,6 +2386,139 @@ private void 
testConcurrentMergeInsertNoDuplicates(String query, boolean sharedW
     List res = new ArrayList();
     Assert.assertEquals("Duplicate records found", 4, res.size());
+    dropTable(new String[]{"target", "source"});
+  }
+  /**
+   * ValidTxnManager.isValidTxnListState can invalidate a snapshot if a 
relevant write transaction was committed
+   * between a query compilation and lock acquisition. When this happens we 
have to recompile the given query,
+   * otherwise we can miss reading partitions created between. The following 
three cases test these scenarios.
+   * @throws Exception ex
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testMergeInsertDynamicPartitioningSequential() throws Exception {
+    dropTable(new String[]{"target", "source"});
+    conf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.TXN_WRITE_X_LOCK, false);
+    // Create partition c=1
+    driver.run("create table target (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) 
stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')");
+    driver.run("insert into target values (1,1,1), (2,2,1)");
+    //Create partition c=2
+    driver.run("create table source (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) 
stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')");
+    driver.run("insert into source values (3,3,2), (4,4,2)");
+    // txn 1 inserts data to an old and a new partition
+    driver.run("insert into source values (5,5,2), (6,6,3)");
+    // txn 2 inserts into the target table into a new partition ( and a 
duplicate considering the source table)
+    driver.run("insert into target values (3, 3, 2)");
+    // txn3 merge
+    driver.run("merge into target t using source s on t.a = s.a " +
+      "when not matched then insert values (s.a, s.b, s.c)");
+    driver.run("select * from target");
+    List res = new ArrayList();
+    driver.getFetchTask().fetch(res);
+    // The merge should see all three partition and not create duplicates
+    Assert.assertEquals("Duplicate records found", 6, res.size());
+    Assert.assertTrue("Partition 3 was skipped", res.contains("6\t6\t3"));
+    dropTable(new String[]{"target", "source"});
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void 
testMergeInsertDynamicPartitioningSnapshotInvalidatedWithOldCommit() throws 
Exception {
+    // By creating the driver with the factory, we should have a ReExecDriver
+    IDriver driver3 = DriverFactory.newDriver(conf);
+    Assert.assertTrue("ReExecDriver was expected", driver3 instanceof 

Review comment:

File path: ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/Driver.java
@@ -488,30 +489,40 @@ private void runInternal(String command, boolean 
alreadyCompiled) throws Command
+      int retryShapshotCnt = 0;
+      int maxRetrySnapshotCnt = HiveConf.getIntVar(driverContext.getConf(),
       try {
-        if (!driverTxnHandler.isValidTxnListState()) {
-          LOG.info("Compiling after acquiring locks");
+        while (!driverTxnHandler.isValidTxnListState() && ++retryShapshotCnt 
<= maxRetrySnapshotCnt) {
+          LOG.info("Compiling after acquiring locks, attempt #" + 
           // Snapshot was outdated when locks were acquired, hence regenerate 
           // txn list and retry
           // TODO: Lock acquisition should be moved before analyze, this is a 
bit hackish.
           // Currently, we acquire a snapshot, we compile the query wrt that 
           // and then, we acquire locks. If snapshot is still valid, we 
continue as usual.
           // But if snapshot is not valid, we recompile the query.
           if (driverContext.isOutdatedTxn()) {
+            LOG.info("Snapshot is outdated, re-initiating transaction ...");
             String userFromUGI = DriverUtils.getUserFromUGI(driverContext);
             driverContext.getTxnManager().openTxn(context, userFromUGI, 
           context = driverContext.getBackupContext();
           if (driverContext.getPlan().hasAcidResourcesInQuery()) {
+            compileInternal(context.getCmd(), true);
+            driverTxnHandler.setWriteIdForAcidFileSinks();
           if (!alreadyCompiled) {

Review comment:

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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 479954)
    Time Spent: 7h 10m  (was: 7h)

> ValidTxnManager snapshot outdating causing partial reads in merge insert
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-23725
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-23725
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Peter Varga
>            Assignee: Peter Varga
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>          Time Spent: 7h 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> When the ValidTxnManager invalidates the snapshot during merge insert and 
> starts to read committed transactions that were not committed when the query 
> compilation happened, it can cause partial read problems if the committed 
> transaction created new partition in the source or target table.
> The solution should be not only fix the snapshot but also recompile the query 
> and acquire the locks again.
> You could construct an example like this:
> 1. open and compile transaction 1 that merge inserts data from a partitioned 
> source table that has a few partition.
> 2. Open, run and commit transaction 2 that inserts data to an old and a new 
> partition to the source table.
> 3. Open, run and commit transaction 3 that inserts data to the target table 
> of the merge statement, that will retrigger a snapshot generation in 
> transaction 1.
> 4. Run transaction 1, the snapshot will be regenerated, and it will read 
> partial data from transaction 2 breaking the ACID properties.
> Different setup.
> Switch the transaction order:
> 1. compile transaction 1 that inserts data to an old and a new partition of 
> the source table.
> 2. compile transaction 2 that insert data to the target table
> 2. compile transaction 3 that merge inserts data from the source table to the 
> target table
> 3. run and commit transaction 1
> 4. run and commit transaction 2
> 5. run transaction 3, since it cointains 1 and 2 in its snaphot the 
> isValidTxnListState will be triggered and we do a partial read of the 
> transaction 1 for the same reasons.

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