
Swarnim Kulkarni commented on HIVE-11609:

Thanks a lot [~ashutoshc] for taking the time. I apologize for not getting back 
earlier. Been pretty swamped with other things.

you have removed transient modifier on filterObject. Any reason for that?

Yes. That is because the scan filters are now correctly handled inside the 
getRecordReader method unlike previously how they were handled in  getSplits. 
Unlike the start and stop keys on a scan, a scan filter cannot be used to prune 
out regions before hand but is actually used when the scan actually runs. So 
when the individual tasks run, they read the filterObject that was previously 
serialized by hive as part of its execution plan and try to retrieve the scan 
filter out of it. With the transient in place, hive was serializing everything 
but the filter object which was need. So I had to modify that code to remove 
the "transient" so those objects can be serialized as well and be available to 
the scan.

> Capability to add a filter to hbase scan via composite key doesn't work
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-11609
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-11609
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: HBase Handler
>            Reporter: Swarnim Kulkarni
>            Assignee: Swarnim Kulkarni
>         Attachments: HIVE-11609.1.patch.txt, HIVE-11609.2.patch.txt
> It seems like the capability to add filter to an hbase scan which was added 
> as part of HIVE-6411 doesn't work. This is primarily because in the 
> HiveHBaseInputFormat, the filter is added in the getsplits instead of 
> getrecordreader. This works fine for start and stop keys but not for filter 
> because a filter is respected only when an actual scan is performed. This is 
> also related to the initial refactoring that was done as part of HIVE-3420.

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