
Carl Steinbach commented on HIVE-11802:

Thanks for adding a test. Here's some feedback:
* TestColumn is missing an ASF header.
* TestColumn doesn't prove that beeline returns correct results. What we need 
is an end-to-end test that validates the output of beeline. There's an existing 
test driver (TestBeeLineDriver) that was included in the original HiveServer2 
patch. The goal was to make it easy to write end-to-end Beeline tests in the 
style of the existing qfile tests. There's also a set of sample data files in 
files/types/primitives that cover all primitive types, and an initialization 
file (data/scripts/q_test_init.sql) that creates a 'primitives' table on top of 
it. I think we'd get more complete and easier to maintain test coverage with 
less code by resurrecting TestBeeLineDriver and writing a new beeline qfile 
test that runs a 'SELECT *' query against the primitives table. I suspect the 
original HS2 patch even had a qfile test for this, but I'm too depressed to 
look. It would be awesome if you want to fix this, but all that really stands 
in the way of a +1 is adding the missing ASF header.

> Float-point numbers are displayed with different precision in Beeline/JDBC
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-11802
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-11802
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 1.2.1
>            Reporter: Sergio Peña
>            Assignee: Sergio Peña
>         Attachments: HIVE-11802.2.patch
> When inserting float-point numbers to a table, the values displayed on 
> beeline or jdbc are with different precision.
> How to reproduce:
> {noformat}
> 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> create table decimals (f float, af 
> array<float>, d double, ad array<double>) stored as parquet;
> No rows affected (0.294 seconds)
> 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> insert into table decimals select 1.10058, 
> array(cast(1.10058 as float)), 2.0133, array(2.0133) from dummy limit 1;
> ...
> No rows affected (20.089 seconds)
> 0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> select f, af, af[0], d, ad[0] from decimals;
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+---------+---------+--+
> |          f          |     af     |         _c2         |    d    |   _c4   |
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+---------+---------+--+
> | 1.1005799770355225  | [1.10058]  | 1.1005799770355225  | 2.0133  | 2.0133  |
> +---------------------+------------+---------------------+---------+---------+--+
> {noformat}
> When displaying arrays, the values are displayed correctly, but if I print a 
> specific element, it is then displayed with more decimal positions.

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