
kairen lo updated HIVE-22693:
    Summary: Modify fs.defaultFS. The location of the new table does not 
change. It is still the value of fs.defaultFS before modification  (was: 
Changing fs.defaultfs, which does not apply to the LOCATION of the table 
created, is the same value as before)

> Modify fs.defaultFS. The location of the new table does not change. It is 
> still the value of fs.defaultFS before modification
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-22693
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-22693
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Hive
>    Affects Versions: 3.1.0
>         Environment: HDP:
> Hadoop: 3.1.1 
> Hive: 3.1.0
> HBase: 2.0.2
> Tez:0.9.1
>            Reporter: kairen lo
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: 1.png
> Change the hihive -site. XML configuration item fs.defaultfs, or set 
> fs.defaultfs =alluxio://master:19998 in beeline, without effect, such as 
> create table dual(data string), table LOCATION is still the previous 
> fs.defaultfs value hdfs://master:8020. By rights, fs in LOCATION should be 
> the modified alluxio://master:19998
> Chinese description:
> 修改hive-site.xml的配置项fs.defaultFS,或者在beeline中设置set 
> fs.defaultFS=alluxio://master:19998,并没生效,比如create table dual(data 
> string),table 
> LOCATION中依然是以前的fs.defaultFS值hdfs://master:8020。按理说,LOCATION中fs,应该是修改后的alluxio://master:19998

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