
Swarnim Kulkarni commented on HIVE-8871:

[~jasperknulst] If I understand this request right, you are proposing that we 
represent columns which do not have values as empty jsons? Personally I think 
that is ok but wouldn't that make it harder to differentiate between columns 
which do not have any values vs those which have actual empty values? For 
instance, today you can run a IS NULL query and quickly figure out the columns 
which do not have any values. Wouldn't figuring things like this become harder 
with the pattern that you are proposing?

> Hive Hbase Integration : Support for NULL value  columns
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-8871
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-8871
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: HBase Handler
>    Affects Versions: 0.10.0
>            Reporter: Jasper Knulst
>              Labels: features
> If you map a Hive column to a Hbase CF where the CF only has qualifiers but 
> no values, Hive always outputs ' {} ' for that key. This hides the fact that 
> qualifiers do exist within the CF. As soon as you put a single byte (like a 
> space) as value you'll get a return like this ' {"20140911"," "} in Hive.
> Since it is a common data modelling technique in Hbase to not use the value 
> (and essentially use the qualifier in a CF as value holder) I think it would 
> be worthwhile to have some support for this in the Hbase handler. 
> A solution could be to show a data structure like  CF:qualifier:<NULL> like 
> this: {"20140911",""}
> , where '20140911' is the qualifier and NULL value in Hbase are shown as 
> empty json strings.
>   userhash string,
>   count bigint,
>   dates map<string,string>)
> STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
>   "hbase.columns.mapping" =
>   ":key,SUM:COUNT,DATES:",
> "hbase.table.default.storage.type" = "binary"
> )
> TBLPROPERTIES("hbase.table.name" = "test");

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