
Morio Ramdenbourg edited comment on HIVE-20992 at 12/1/18 12:23 AM:

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll keep the existing property deprecated, 
while having the new properties take precedence over it.

[~vihangk1], it was mainly intended for consistency purposes, since there is 
already a property 
 on the HMS client to HMS Service side. My intent for it was to simply use it 
as a toggle for whether these new properties will be added/used or not, similar 
to the logic 
 It won't modify the JDO connectionURL - the _ssl=true_ part will still need to 
be inputted manually on the JDO connection string.

was (Author: mramdenbourg):
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll keep the existing property deprecated, 
while having the new properties take precedence over it.

[~vihangk1], it was mainly intended for consistency purposes, since there is 
already a property 
 on the HMS client to HMS Service side. My intent for it was to simply use it 
as a toggle for whether these new properties are set or not, similar to the 
 It won't modify the JDO connectionURL - the _ssl=true_ part will still need to 
be inputted manually on the JDO connection string.

> Split the config "hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.properties" into more 
> meaningful configs
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-20992
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-20992
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Metastore, Security, Standalone Metastore
>    Affects Versions: 4.0.0
>            Reporter: Morio Ramdenbourg
>            Assignee: Morio Ramdenbourg
>            Priority: Minor
> HIVE-13044 brought in the ability to enable TLS encryption from the HMS 
> Service to the HMSDB by configuring the following two properties:
>  # _javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL_: JDBC connect string for a JDBC 
> metastore. To use SSL to encrypt/authenticate the connection, provide 
> database-specific SSL flag in the connection URL. (E.g. 
> "jdbc:postgresql://myhost/db?ssl=true")
>  # _hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.properties_: Comma-separated SSL properties 
> for metastore to access database when JDO connection URL. (E.g. 
> javax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tmp/truststore,javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=pwd)
> However, the latter configuration option is opaque and poses some problems. 
> The most glaring of which is it takes in _any_ 
> [java.lang.System|https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/System.html]
>  system property, whether it is 
> [TLS-related|https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html#InstallationAndCustomization]
>  or not. This can cause some unintended side-effects for other components of 
> the HMS, especially if it overrides an already-set system property. If the 
> user truly wishes to add an unrelated Java property, setting it statically 
> using the "-D" option of the _java_ command is more appropriate. Secondly, 
> the truststore password is stored in plain text. We should add Hadoop Shims 
> back to the HMS to prevent exposing these passwords, but this effort can be 
> done after this ticket.
> I propose we split _hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.properties_ into the 
> following properties:
>  * *_hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.use.SSL_*
>  ** Set this to true to use TLS encryption from the HMS Service to the HMSDB
>  * *_hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.truststore.path_*
>  ** TLS truststore file location
>  ** Java property: _javax.net.ssl.trustStore_
>  ** E.g. _/tmp/truststore_
>  * *_hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.truststore.password_*
>  ** Password of the truststore file
>  ** Java property: _javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword_
>  ** E.g. _pwd_
>  * _*hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.truststore.type*_
>  ** Type of the truststore file
>  ** Java property: _javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType_
>  ** E.g. _JKS_
> We should guide the user towards an easier TLS configuration experience. This 
> is the minimum configuration necessary to configure TLS to the HMSDB. If we 
> need other options, such as the keystore location/password for 
> dual-authentication, then we can add those on afterwards.
> Also, document these changes - 
> [javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Configuration+Properties#ConfigurationProperties-javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL]
>  does not have up-to-date documentation, and these new parameters will need 
> documentation as well.
> Note "TLS" refers to both SSL and TLS. TLS is simply the successor of SSL.

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