
Laszlo Pinter edited comment on HIVE-20796 at 10/24/18 2:12 PM:

Indeed, it is similar, but I was thinking of different scenario. In the 
hive-site.xml you can provide the connection url and the credentials as 
different entries


But it is possible to specify the credentials as part of the connection url
While overriding the default configuration values from jpox.properties, the old 
and new entries are logged out (ObjectStore#getDataSourceProps())
if (MetastoreConf.isPrintable(varName)) {
  LOG.debug("Overriding {} value {} from jpox.properties with {}",
    varName, prevVal, confVal);
Since the jdbc url is not marked as unprintable, all of it contents will be 
written to debug log. 

was (Author: lpinter):
Indeed is similar, but I was thinking of different scenario. In the 
hive-site.xml you can provide the connection url and the credentials as 
different entries


But it is possible to specify the credentials as part of the connection url
While overriding the default configuration values from jpox.properties, the old 
and new entries are logged out (ObjectStore#getDataSourceProps())
if (MetastoreConf.isPrintable(varName)) {
  LOG.debug("Overriding {} value {} from jpox.properties with {}",
    varName, prevVal, confVal);
Since the jdbc url is not marked as unprintable, all of it contents will be 
written to debug log. 

> jdbc URL can contain sensitive information that should not be logged
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-20796
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-20796
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Hive
>    Affects Versions: 4.0.0
>            Reporter: Laszlo Pinter
>            Assignee: Laszlo Pinter
>            Priority: Major
> It is possible to put passwords in the jdbc connection url and some jdbc 
> drivers will supposedly use that. (derby, mysql). This information is 
> considered sensitive, and should be masked out, while logging the connection 
> url.

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