
Miklos Gergely edited comment on HIVE-20536 at 9/18/18 12:40 PM:

[~ashutoshc] I've tested the function with multi-table insert statement, and it 
was working fine. I couldn't test it with MERGE, because AFAIK currently MERGE 
doesnt' support inserting into specified columns. Assume that t1 has 3 columns
 * a int
 * b int
 * c bigint default surrogate_key()

In order to insert into t1 one should specify the columns like this:
INSERT INTO t1 (a, b) VALUES (1, 2);{noformat}
The same thing can not be done using merge, specifiying (a, b) like this is not 
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (a, b) VALUES (t2.a, t2.b);{noformat}
Inserting without specifying the columns result in an error message that there 
are less values than columns.

I suggest to support this syntax. See the syntax for merge in oracle: 

was (Author: mgergely):
[~ashutoshc] I've tested the function with multi-table insert statement, and it 
was working fine. I couldn't test it with MERGE, because AFAIK currently MERGE 
doesnt' support inserting into specified columns. Assume that t1 has 3 columns
 * a int
 * b int
 * c bigint default surrogate_key()

In order to insert into t1 one should specify the columns like this:
INSERT INTO t1 (a, b) VALUES (1, 2);{noformat}
The same thing can not be done using merge, specifiying (a, b) like this is not 
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (a, b) VALUES (t2.a, t2.b);{noformat}
Inserting without specifying the columns result in an error message that there 
are less values than columns.

I suggest to support this syntax.

> Add Surrogate Keys function to Hive
> -----------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-20536
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-20536
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Task
>          Components: Hive
>            Reporter: Miklos Gergely
>            Assignee: Miklos Gergely
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: HIVE-20536.01.patch, HIVE-20536.02.patch, 
> HIVE-20536.03.patch, HIVE-20536.04.patch, HIVE-20536.05.patch
> Surrogate keys is an ability to generate and use unique integers for each row 
> in a table. If we have that ability then in conjunction with default clause 
> we can get surrogate keys functionality. Consider following ddl:
> create table t1 (a string, b bigint default unique_long());
> We already have default clause wherein you can specify a function to provide 
> values. So, what we need is udf which can generate unique longs for each row 
> across queries for a table. 
> Idea is to use write_id . This is a column in metastore table TXN_COMPONENTS 
> whose value is determined at compile time to be used during query execution. 
> Each query execution generates a new write_id. So, we can seed udf with this 
> value during compilation.
> Then we statically allocate ranges for each task from which it can draw next 
> long. So, lets say 64-bit write_id we divy up such that last 24 bits belong 
> to original usage of it that is txns. Next 16 bits are used for task_attempts 
> and last 24 bits to generate new long for each row. This implies we can allow 
> 17M txns, 65K tasks and 17M rows in a task. If you hit any of those limits we 
> can fail the query.
> Implementation wise: serialize write_id in initialize() of udf. Then during 
> execute() we find out what task_attempt current task is and use it along with 
> write_id() to get starting long and give a new value on each invocation of 
> execute().
> Here we are assuming write_id can be determined at compile time, which should 
> be the case but we need to figure out how to get handle to it.

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