
Lefty Leverenz commented on HIVE-7193:

Doc review (parameter descriptions):

+        "COLON-separated list of patterns to use to find DNs for group 
entities in this directory \n" +
+        "use %s where the actual group name is to be substituted for.\n" +
+        "For example: CN=%s,CN=Groups,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=com."),
Please add a period at end of first line and start second line with initial 
capital "Use ...."  Also, why is the example a comma-separated list when the 
description says colon-separated?

+        "COMMA-separated list of LDAP Group names (short name not full DNs) 
\n" +
+        " For example: HiveAdmins,HadoopAdmins,Administrators"),
Again, end the first line with a period.  Remove the space at beginning of 
second line.

+        "COLON-separated list of patterns to use to find DNs for users in this 
directory \n" +
+        "use %s where the actual group name is to be substituted for.\n" +
+        "For example: CN=%s,CN=Users,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=com." +
+        "COLON-seperated list of Base DNs for User entities in the LDAP 
Again, add period to first line and start second line "Use".  Why is the list 
comma-separated?  Does the fourth line belong somewhere else?  (It misspells 
"separated" too.)

+        "COMMA-separated list of LDAP usernames (just short names, not full 
DNs) \n" +
+        "For example: hiveuser,impalauser,hiveadmin,hadoopadmin"),
Add period at end of first line.

+        "A full LDAP query that LDAP Atn provider uses to execute against LDAP 
Server \n" +
+        "If this query return a null resultset, the LDAP Provider fails the 
Authentication request \n" +
+        ", succeeds otherwise." +
+        "For example: 
(&(objectClass=group)(objectClass=top)(instanceType=4)(cn=Domain*)) \n" +
+        "(&(objectClass=person)(|(sAMAccountName=admin)(|(memberOf=CN=Domain 
Admins,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com)" +
+        "(memberOf=CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=domain,DC=com))))"),
Add a period at end of first line.  Second line:  "If this query returns ..." 
(add the s to return) and move comma from start of third line to end of second 
line (or move "request" to third line).   

> Hive should support additional LDAP authentication parameters
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-7193
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-7193
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 0.10.0
>            Reporter: Mala Chikka Kempanna
>            Assignee: Naveen Gangam
>         Attachments: HIVE-7193.2.patch, HIVE-7193.3.patch, HIVE-7193.4.patch, 
> HIVE-7193.patch, LDAPAuthentication_Design_Doc.docx, 
> LDAPAuthentication_Design_Doc_V2.docx
> Currently hive has only following authenticator parameters for LDAP 
> authentication for hiveserver2:
> {code:xml}
> <property> 
>   <name>hive.server2.authentication</name> 
>   <value>LDAP</value> 
> </property> 
> <property> 
>   <name>hive.server2.authentication.ldap.url</name> 
>   <value>ldap://our_ldap_address</value> 
> </property> 
> {code}
> We need to include other LDAP properties as part of hive-LDAP authentication 
> like below:
> {noformat}
> a group search base -> dc=domain,dc=com 
> a group search filter -> member={0} 
> a user search base -> dc=domain,dc=com 
> a user search filter -> sAMAAccountName={0} 
> a list of valid user groups -> group1,group2,group3 
> {noformat}

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