
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-5756:

Github user StephanEwen commented on the issue:

    @SyinChwunLeo We will try and contribute the patch to RocksDB and will also 
soon try and move to a newer RocksDB version, as soon as its Java API works 
again for the required functions. The RocksDB folks mentioned that the next 
release of RocksDB is quite soon and should fix that.
    That will hopefully address the issue. Until then, we cannot upgrade, 
unfortunately :-(

> When there are many values under the same key in ListState, 
> RocksDBStateBackend performances poor
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-5756
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-5756
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: State Backends, Checkpointing
>    Affects Versions: 1.2.0
>         Environment: CentOS 7.2
>            Reporter: Syinchwun Leo
> When using RocksDB as the StateBackend, if there are many values under the 
> same key in ListState, the windowState.get() operator performances very poor. 
> I also the the RocksDB using version 4.11.2, the performance is also very 
> poor. The problem is likely to related to RocksDB itself's get() operator 
> after using merge(). The problem may influences the window operation's 
> performance when the size is very large using ListState. I try to merge 50000 
> values under the same key in RocksDB, It costs 120 seconds to execute get() 
> operation.
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> The flink's code is as follows:    
> {code}
> class SEventSource extends RichSourceFunction [SEvent] {
>   private var count = 0L
>   private val alphabet = 
> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYX0987654321"
>   override def run(sourceContext: SourceContext[SEvent]): Unit = {
>     while (true) {
>       for (i <- 0 until 5000) {
>         sourceContext.collect(SEvent(1, "hello-"+count, alphabet,1))
>         count += 1L
>       }
>       Thread.sleep(1000)
>     }
>   }
> }
> env.addSource(new SEventSource)
>       .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new 
> AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks[SEvent] {
>         override def getCurrentWatermark: Watermark = {
>           new Watermark(System.currentTimeMillis())
>         }
>         override def extractTimestamp(t: SEvent, l: Long): Long = {
>           System.currentTimeMillis()
>         }
>       })
>       .keyBy(0)
>       .window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.seconds(20), Time.seconds(2)))
>       .apply(new WindowStatistic)
>       .map(x => (System.currentTimeMillis(), x))
>       .print()
> {code}
> ////////////////////////////////////
> The RocksDB Test code:    
> {code}
> val stringAppendOperator = new StringAppendOperator
>     val options = new Options()
>     options.setCompactionStyle(CompactionStyle.LEVEL)
>       .setCompressionType(CompressionType.SNAPPY_COMPRESSION)
>       .setLevelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes(true)
>       .setIncreaseParallelism(4)
>       .setUseFsync(true)
>       .setMaxOpenFiles(-1)
>       .setCreateIfMissing(true)
>       .setMergeOperator(stringAppendOperator)
>     val write_options = new WriteOptions
>     write_options.setSync(false)
>     val rocksDB = RocksDB.open(options, "/******/Data/")
>     val key = "key"
>     val value = 
> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ7890654321"
>     val beginmerge = System.currentTimeMillis()
>     for(i <- 0 to 50000) {
>       rocksDB.merge(key.getBytes(), ("s"+ i + value).getBytes())
>       //rocksDB.put(key.getBytes, value.getBytes)
>     }
>     println("finish")
>     val begin = System.currentTimeMillis()
>     rocksDB.get(key.getBytes)
>     val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
>     println("merge cost:" + (begin - beginmerge))
>     println("Time consuming:" + (end - begin))
>   }
> }
> {code}

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