
Aljoscha Krettek reopened FLINK-6018:
      Assignee: Aljoscha Krettek  (was: sunjincheng)

This needs a fix to {{KryoSerializer}} to properly work when restoring.

The fix is in this PR: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/3562

> Properly initialise StateDescriptor in 
> AbstractStateBackend.getPartitionedState()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-6018
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-6018
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: DataStream API, State Backends, Checkpointing
>            Reporter: sunjincheng
>            Assignee: Aljoscha Krettek
>             Fix For: 1.3.0
> The code snippet currently in the `AbstractKeyedStateBackend # 
> getPartitionedState` method, as follows:
> {code}
> line 352: // TODO: This is wrong, it should throw an exception that the 
> initialization has not properly happened
> line 353: if (!stateDescriptor.isSerializerInitialized()) {
> line 354:        stateDescriptor.initializeSerializerUnlessSet(new 
> ExecutionConfig());
> line 354 }
> {code}
> Method `isSerializerInitialized`:
> {code}
> public boolean isSerializerInitialized() {
>               return serializer != null;
>       }
> {code}
> Method `initializeSerializerUnlessSet`:
> {code}
> public void initializeSerializerUnlessSet(ExecutionConfig executionConfig) {
>               if (serializer == null) { 
>                       if (typeInfo != null) {
>                               serializer = 
> typeInfo.createSerializer(executionConfig);
>                       } else {
>                               throw new IllegalStateException(
>                                               "Cannot initialize serializer 
> after TypeInformation was dropped during serialization");
>                       }
>               }
>       }
> {code}
> that is, in the `initializeSerializerUnlessSet` method, The `serializer` has 
> been checked by `serializer == null`.So I hope this code has a little 
> improvement to the following:
> approach 1: 
> According to the `TODO` information  we throw an exception
> {code}
> if (!stateDescriptor.isSerializerInitialized()) {
>                       throw new IllegalStateException("The serializer of the 
> descriptor has not been initialized!"); 
> }
> {code}
> approach 2:
> Try to initialize and remove `if (!stateDescriptor.isSerializerInitialized()) 
> {` logic.
> {code}
> stateDescriptor.initializeSerializerUnlessSet(new ExecutionConfig());
> {code}
> Meanwhile, If we use the approach 2, I suggest that 
> `AbstractKeyedStateBackend` add a `private final ExecutionConfig 
> executionConfig` property. then we can change the code like this:
> {code}
> stateDescriptor.initializeSerializerUnlessSet(executionConfig);
> {code}
> Are the above suggestions reasonable for you? 
> Welcome anybody's feedback and corrections.

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