
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-3849:

Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -36,36 +43,34 @@ trait PushFilterIntoTableSourceScanRuleBase {
           filterableSource: FilterableTableSource[_],
           description: String): Unit = {
    -    if (filterableSource.isFilterPushedDown) {
    -      // The rule can get triggered again due to the transformed "scan => 
    -      // sequence created by the earlier execution of this rule when we 
could not
    -      // push all the conditions into the scan
    -      return
    -    }
    +    Preconditions.checkArgument(!filterableSource.isFilterPushedDown)
         val program = calc.getProgram
    +    val functionCatalog = FunctionCatalog.withBuiltIns
         val (predicates, unconvertedRexNodes) =
    -        tableSourceTable.tableEnv.getFunctionCatalog)
    +        functionCatalog)
         if (predicates.isEmpty) {
           // no condition can be translated to expression
    -    val (newTableSource, remainingPredicates) = 
    -    // trying to apply filter push down, set the flag to true no matter 
    -    // we actually push any filters down.
    -    newTableSource.setFilterPushedDown(true)
    +    val remainingPredicates = new util.LinkedList[Expression]()
    +    predicates.foreach(e => remainingPredicates.add(e))
    +    val newTableSource = 
    --- End diff --
    Add a check that `remainingPredicates` is a subset of `predicates`?
    The table source should not touch those predicates that it cannot evaluate 
or add new predicates.

> Add FilterableTableSource interface and translation rule
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-3849
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-3849
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Table API & SQL
>            Reporter: Fabian Hueske
>            Assignee: Kurt Young
> Add a {{FilterableTableSource}} interface for {{TableSource}} implementations 
> which support filter push-down.
> The interface could look as follows
> {code}
> def trait FilterableTableSource {
>   // returns unsupported predicate expression
>   def setPredicate(predicate: Expression): Expression
> }
> {code}
> In addition we need Calcite rules to push a predicate (or parts of it) into a 
> TableScan that refers to a {{FilterableTableSource}}. We might need to tweak 
> the cost model as well to push the optimizer in the right direction.

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