
Seth Wiesman commented on FLINK-5929:

[~aljoscha] Curioius, why is ProcessWindowFunction wrapped in a WindowFunction 
before being passed to the WindowOperator as opposed to the other way around if 
ProcessWindowFunction the _next gen_ window function? 

> Allow Access to Per-Window State in ProcessWindowFunction
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-5929
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-5929
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: DataStream API
>            Reporter: Aljoscha Krettek
> Right now, the state that a {{WindowFunction}} or {{ProcessWindowFunction}} 
> can access is scoped to the key of the window but not the window itself. That 
> is, state is global across all windows for a given key.
> For some use cases it is beneficial to keep state scoped to a window. For 
> example, if you expect to have several {{Trigger}} firings (due to early and 
> late firings) a user can keep state per window to keep some information 
> between those firings.
> The per-window state has to be cleaned up in some way. For this I see two 
> options:
>  - Keep track of all state that a user uses and clean up when we reach the 
> window GC horizon.
>  - Add a method {{cleanup()}} to {{ProcessWindowFunction}} which is called 
> when we reach the window GC horizon that users can/should use to clean up 
> their state.
> On the API side, we can add a method {{windowState()}} on 
> {{ProcessWindowFunction.Context}} that retrieves the per-window state and 
> {{globalState()}} that would allow access to the (already available) global 
> state. The {{Context}} would then look like this:
> {code}
> /**
>  * The context holding window metadata
>  */
> public abstract class Context {
>     /**
>      * @return The window that is being evaluated.
>      */
>     public abstract W window();
>     /**
>      * State accessor for per-key and per-window state.
>      */
>     KeyedStateStore windowState();
>     /**
>      * State accessor for per-key global state.
>      */
>     KeyedStateStore globalState();
> }
> {code}

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