Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: flink-libraries/flink-table/src/main/scala/org/apache/flink/table/plan/nodes/dataset/BatchTableSourceScan.scala --- @@ -59,8 +59,16 @@ class BatchTableSourceScan( } override def explainTerms(pw: RelWriter): RelWriter = { + val s = tableSource match { + case source: FilterableTableSource => + source.getPredicate.getOrElse("").toString.replaceAll("\\'|\\\"|\\s", "") + case _ => "" + } super.explainTerms(pw) .item("fields", TableEnvironment.getFieldNames(tableSource).mkString(", ")) + // TODO should we have this? If yes how it should look like, as in DataCalc? --- End diff -- Yes, the filter should be in the explain string of the table source. I think it would be good if it was formatted as the filter in calc.
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