
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-5256:

Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -144,21 +150,46 @@ class DataSetSingleRowJoin(
         val condition = codeGenerator.generateExpression(joinCondition)
    -    val joinMethodBody = s"""
    -                  |${condition.code}
    -                  |if (${condition.resultTerm}) {
    -                  |  ${conversion.code}
    -                  |  
    -                  |}
    -                  |""".stripMargin
    +    val joinMethodBody =
    +      if (joinType == JoinRelType.INNER) {
    +        s"""
    +         |${condition.code}
    +         |if (${condition.resultTerm}) {
    +         |  ${conversion.code}
    +         |  
    +         |}
    +         |""".stripMargin
    +    } else {
    +        val singleNode =
    +          if (leftIsSingle) {
    +            leftNode
    +          }
    +          else {
    +            rightNode
    +          }
    +        val notSuitedToCondition = singleNode
    +          .getRowType
    +          .getFieldList
    +          .map(field => getRowType.getFieldNames.indexOf(field.getName))
    +          .map(i => s"${conversion.resultTerm}.setField($i,null);")
    +        s"""
    +           |${condition.code}
    +           |${conversion.code}
    +           |if(!${condition.resultTerm}){
    +           |${notSuitedToCondition.mkString("\n")}
    --- End diff --
    This would be solved if we use a dedicated result expression for the 
`!condition` case as outline above.

> Extend DataSetSingleRowJoin to support Left and Right joins
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-5256
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-5256
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Table API & SQL
>    Affects Versions: 1.2.0
>            Reporter: Fabian Hueske
>            Assignee: Anton Mushin
> The {{DataSetSingleRowJoin}} is a broadcast-map join that supports arbitrary 
> inner joins where one input is a single row.
> I found that Calcite translates certain subqueries into non-equi left and 
> right joins with single input. These cases can be handled if the  
> {{DataSetSingleRowJoin}} is extended to support outer joins on the 
> non-single-row input, i.e., left joins if the right side is single input and 
> vice versa.

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