
Ben Brandt updated FLINK-37221:
 * FLINK-34482 Rename options for checkpointing - ASF JIRA
 * [FLINK-34482[checkpoint] Rename checkpointing options by masteryhx · Pull 
Request #24878 · apache/flink|https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/24878]
 * FLINK-34255 FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery 
Configuration - ASF JIRA
 * [FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery Configuration - 
Apache Flink - Apache Software 

Using the new property name execution.checkpointing.dir instead of 
state.checkpoints.dir in flink 1.20 will give this ValidationError when using 
the k8s operator:
Checkpoint directory[state.checkpoints.dir] must be defined for last-state and 
savepoint upgrade modes {code}

Not a bug, as FLIP-406 is still WIP.  Just a friendly reminder to not forget 
the k8s operator.  Thanks for all you do! Amazing project!

 * FLINK-34482 Rename options for checkpointing - ASF JIRA
 * [FLINK-34482[checkpoint] Rename checkpointing options by masteryhx · Pull 
Request #24878 · apache/flink|https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/24878]
 * FLINK-34255 FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery 
Configuration - ASF JIRA
 * [FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery Configuration - 
Apache Flink - Apache Software 

Using the new property name execution.checkpointing.dir instead of 
state.checkpoints.dir in flink 1.20 will give this ValidationError when using 
the k8s operator:
Checkpoint directory[state.checkpoints.dir] must be defined for last-state and 
savepoint upgrade modes {code}

Not a bug, as this 

> Apply FLIP-406 to Kubernetes Operator
> -------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-37221
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-37221
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Kubernetes Operator
>    Affects Versions: 1.20.0, 2.0-preview
>            Reporter: Ben Brandt
>            Priority: Minor
> References:
>  * FLINK-34482 Rename options for checkpointing - ASF JIRA
>  * [FLINK-34482[checkpoint] Rename checkpointing options by masteryhx · Pull 
> Request #24878 · apache/flink|https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/24878]
>  * FLINK-34255 FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery 
> Configuration - ASF JIRA
>  * [FLIP-406: Reorganize State & Checkpointing & Recovery Configuration - 
> Apache Flink - Apache Software 
> Foundation|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=284789560]
> Using the new property name execution.checkpointing.dir instead of 
> state.checkpoints.dir in flink 1.20 will give this ValidationError when using 
> the k8s operator:
> {code:java}
> Checkpoint directory[state.checkpoints.dir] must be defined for last-state 
> and savepoint upgrade modes {code}
> Not a bug, as FLIP-406 is still WIP.  Just a friendly reminder to not forget 
> the k8s operator.  Thanks for all you do! Amazing project!

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