
Alexander Fedulov updated FLINK-37147:
    Fix Version/s: 1.19.3
                       (was: 1.19.2)
                       (was: 1.20.1)

> The where condition run time advance caused a program error
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-37147
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-37147
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Table SQL / Planner
>    Affects Versions: 1.17.1
>         Environment: {code:java}
> //代码占位符
> StreamExecutionEnvironment env = 
> StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
> env.setRuntimeMode(RuntimeExecutionMode.BATCH).setParallelism(1);
> StreamTableEnvironment tableEnvironment = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
> Table taxiOperation = tableEnvironment.fromValues(
>         DataTypes.ROW(
>                 DataTypes.FIELD("id", DataTypes.STRING()),
>                 DataTypes.FIELD("startTime", DataTypes.STRING()),
>                 DataTypes.FIELD("amount", DataTypes.DOUBLE())
>         ),
>         row("1", "2022-02-07", 7.38),
>         row("3", "2022-02-08", 2.38),
>         row("4", "2022-02-30", 5.38)
> );
> tableEnvironment.createTemporaryView("taxiOperation", taxiOperation);
> Table taxiCompany = tableEnvironment.fromValues(
>         DataTypes.ROW(
>                 DataTypes.FIELD("codeTime", DataTypes.STRING())
>         ),
>         row("2022-02-07"),
>         row("2022-02-08")
> );
> tableEnvironment.createTemporaryView("taxiTimeCode", taxiCompany);
> tableEnvironment.createTemporaryView("t1", tableEnvironment.sqlQuery("select 
> tc.*, tto.* from taxiTimeCode tc " +
>         "left join taxiOperation tto on tc.codeTime = tto.startTime"));
> tableEnvironment.createTemporaryView("t2", tableEnvironment.sqlQuery("select 
> t1.*, cast(t1.startTime as date) as endTime from t1"));
> tableEnvironment.sqlQuery("select * from t2 where endTime < 
> current_date").execute().print(); {code}
>            Reporter: lixu
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 1.17.3, 1.18.2, 1.19.3, 1.20.2
> In the provided code, when querying the t2 table, adding the filtering of the 
> date field, the program will report an error; Without adding the filtering of 
> the date field, the program runs normally;

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