hackergin commented on code in PR #25988:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/25988#discussion_r1919769640

@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+source "$(dirname "$0")"/common_kubernetes.sh
+CURRENT_DIR=`cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd -P`
+# copy test-filesystem jar & hadoop plugin
+add_optional_plugin "s3-fs-hadoop"
+# start kubernetes
+kubectl create clusterrolebinding ${CLUSTER_ROLE_BINDING} --clusterrole=edit 
--serviceaccount=default:default --namespace=default
+# build image
+if ! retry_times $IMAGE_BUILD_RETRIES $IMAGE_BUILD_BACKOFF "build_image 
${FLINK_IMAGE_NAME} $(get_host_machine_address)"; then
+       echo "ERROR: Could not build image. Aborting..."
+       exit 1
+# setup materialized table data dir
+echo "[INFO] Start S3 env"
+source "$(dirname "$0")"/common_s3_minio.sh
+s3_setup hadoop
+echo "[INFO] Start SQL Gateway"
+set_config_key "sql-gateway.endpoint.rest.address" "localhost"
+function internal_cleanup {
+    kubectl delete deployment ${APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID}
+    kubectl delete clusterrolebinding ${CLUSTER_ROLE_BINDING}
+function open_session() {
+  local session_options=$1
+  if [ -z "$session_options" ]; then
+    session_options="{}"
+  fi
+  curl -s -X POST \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -d "{\"properties\": $session_options}" \
+    "http://localhost:$SQL_GATEWAY_REST_PORT/sessions"; | jq -r '.sessionHandle'
+function configure_session() {
+  local session_handle=$1
+  local statement=$2
+  response=$(curl -s -X POST \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -d "{\"statement\": \"$statement\"}" \
+  if [ "$response" != "{}" ]; then
+    echo "Configure session $session_handle $statement failed: $response"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo "Configured session $session_handle $statement successfully"
+function close_session() {
+  local session_handle=$1
+  curl -s -X POST \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -d "{\"session_handle\": \"$session_handle\"}" \
+    http://localhost:$SQL_GATEWAY_REST_PORT/sessions/close
+function execute_statement() {
+  local session_handle=$1
+  local statement=$2
+  local response=$(curl -s -X POST \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -d "{\"statement\": \"$statement\"}" \
+  local operation_handle=$(echo $response | jq -r '.operationHandle')
+  if [ -z "$operation_handle" ] || [ "$operation_handle" == "null" ]; then
+    echo "Failed to execute statement: $statement, response: $response"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  get_operation_result $session_handle $operation_handle
+function get_operation_result() {
+  local session_handle=$1
+  local operation_handle=$2
+  local fields_array=()
+  local 
+  while [ ! -z "$next_uri" ] && [ "$next_uri" != "null" ];
+  do
+    response=$(curl -s -X GET \
+      -H "Content-Type:  \
+       application/json" \
+      http://localhost:$SQL_GATEWAY_REST_PORT/$next_uri)
+    result_type=$(echo $response | jq -r '.resultType')
+    result_kind=$(echo $response | jq -r '.resultKind')
+    next_uri=$(echo $response | jq -r '.nextResultUri')
+    errors=$(echo $response | jq -r '.errors')
+    if [ "$errors" != "null" ]; then
+      echo "fetch operation $operation_handle failed: $errors"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    if [ result_kind == "SUCCESS" ]; then
+      fields_array+="SUCCESS"
+      break;
+    fi
+    if [ "$result_type" != "NOT_READY" ] && [ "$result_kind" == 
+      new_fields=$(echo $response | jq -r '.results.data[].fields')
+      fields_array+=$new_fields
+    else
+      sleep 1
+    fi
+  done
+  echo $fields_array
+function create_materialized_table_in_continous_mode() {
+  local session_handle=$1
+  local table_name=$2
+  local operation_handle=$(curl -s -X POST \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -d "{\"statement\": \"CREATE MATERIALIZED TABLE $table_name \
+        PARTITIONED BY (ds) \
+        with (\
+          'format' = 'json',\
+          'sink.rolling-policy.rollover-interval' = '10s',\
+          'sink.rolling-policy.check-interval' = '10s'\
+        )\
+        AS SELECT \
+          DATE_FORMAT(\`timestamp\`, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS ds, \
+          \`user\`, \
+          \`type\` \
+        FROM filesystem_source \/*+ options('source.monitor-interval' = '10s') 
*\/ \"}" \
http://localhost:$SQL_GATEWAY_REST_PORT/sessions/$session_handle/statements | 
jq -r '.operationHandle')
+  get_operation_result $session_handle $operation_handle
+function create_filesystem_source() {
+  local session_handle=$1
+  local table_name=$2
+  local path=$3
+  create_source_result=$(curl -s -X POST \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -d "{\"statement\": \"CREATE TABLE $table_name (\
+      \`timestamp\` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3),\
+      \`user\` STRING,\
+      \`type\` STRING\
+    ) WITH (\
+      'format' = 'csv'\
+    )\"}" \
+    echo $create_source_result
+echo "[INFO] Create Materialized Table in Application Mode"
+session_options="{\"table.catalog-store.kind\": \"file\",
+                 \"execution.target\": \"kubernetes-application\",
+                 \"kubernetes.cluster-id\": \"${APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID}\",
+                 \"kubernetes.container.image.ref\": \"${FLINK_IMAGE_NAME}\",
+                 \"table.catalog-store.file.path\": 
+                 \"kubernetes.rest-service.exposed.type\": \"NodePort\",
+                 \"s3.endpoint\": \"$S3_ENDPOINT\",
+                 \"workflow-scheduler.type\": \"embedded\"}"
+session_handle=$(open_session "$session_options")
+echo "[INFO] Session Handle $session_handle"
+configure_session "$session_handle" "create catalog if not exists test_catalog 
with (\
+                                                'type' = 'test-filesystem',\
+                                                'default-database' = 
+                                                'path' = 
+                                    )"
+# prepare default db & default catalog
+configure_session $session_handle "use catalog test_catalog"
+configure_session $session_handle "create database if not exists test_db"
+create_filesystem_source $session_handle "filesystem_source"
+# 1. create materialized table in continuous mode
+create_materialized_table_in_continous_mode $session_handle 
+configure_session $session_handle "set 'execution.checkpointing.savepoint-dir' 
+kubectl wait --for=condition=Available --timeout=30s 
deploy/${APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID} || exit 1
+jm_pod_name=$(kubectl get pods 
--selector="app=${APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID},component=jobmanager" -o 
+wait_num_checkpoints $jm_pod_name 1
+# 2. suspend & resume materialized table in continuous mode
+execute_statement $session_handle "alter materialized table 
my_materialized_table_in_continuous_mode suspend"
+kubectl delete deployment $APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID

Review Comment:
   In my test, I found that after "stop with Savepoint", the deployment does 
not end. I need to spend some time to verify it again. In theory, it should 
exit automatically.

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