
Hongshun Wang edited comment on FLINK-31762 at 12/30/24 2:32 AM:

Hi, [~lorenzo.affetti]  I'd like to do it. It's important for me and I also 
start a mail discussion, 


Besides the problem in this Jira , I aslo met another problem because same 
reason:If I use a Flink source with 3 parallelism to assumes one topic with 3 
partitions. Then, when I change the Flink parallelism to 6, the start index 
changes when a new partition is discovered because the number of readers has 

for example, the inital is 3 parrelism for 3 partition.  (the startIndex = 2, 
thus (startIndex+ 1)%3 =0) 
||subtask||0||1 ||2||
||topic 1||1||2||3||

then change to 6 parrelism: 
||subtask||0||1||2 ||3||4||5||
||topic 1||1||2||3|| || || ||

then the new discovered partitions will be:  (startIndex +4)%6 = 6%6 = 0
||subtask||0||1 ||2||3||4||5||
||topic 1||1,4||2,5||3,6|| || || ||


was (Author: JIRAUSER298968):
Hi, [~lorenzo.affetti]  I'd like to do it. It's important for me and I also 
start a mail discussion, 


Besides the problem in this Jira , I aslo met another problem because same 
reason:If I use a Flink source with 5 parallelism to assumes one topic with 5 
partitions. Then, when I change the Flink parallelism to 6, the start index 
changes when a new partition is discovered because the number of readers has 

for example, the inital is 3 parrelism for 3 partition.  (the startIndex = 2, 
thus (startIndex+ 1)%3 =0) 
||subtask||0||1 ||2||
||topic 1||1||2||3||

then change to 6 parrelism: 
||subtask||0||1||2 ||3||4||5||
||topic 1||1||2||3|| || || ||

then the new discovered partitions will be:  (startIndex +4)%6 = 6%6 = 0
||subtask||0||1 ||2||3||4||5||
||topic 1||1,4||2,5||3,6|| || || ||


> Subscribe to multiple Kafka topics may cause partition assignment skew
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-31762
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-31762
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Connectors / Kafka
>    Affects Versions: 1.13.0, 1.18.0
>            Reporter: Liam
>            Assignee: Lorenzo Affetti
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: image-2023-04-11-08-00-16-054.png, 
> image-2023-04-11-08-12-24-115.png
> To simplify the demonstration, let us assume that there are two topics, and 
> each topic has four partitions. We have set the parallelism to eight to 
> consume these two topics. However, the current partition assignment method 
> may lead to some subtasks being assigned two partitions while others are left 
> with none.
> !image-2023-04-11-08-00-16-054.png|width=500,height=143!
> In my case, the situation is even worse as I have ten topics, each with 100 
> partitions. If I set the parallelism to 1000, some slots may be assigned 
> seven partitions while others remain unassigned.
> To address this issue, I propose a new partition assignment solution. In this 
> approach, round-robin assignment takes place between all topics, not just one.
> For example, the ideal assignment for the case mentioned above is presented 
> below:
> !https://imgr.whimsical.com/object/A4jSJwgQNrc5mgpGddhghq|width=513,height=134!
> This new solution can also handle cases where each topic has more partitions.
> !image-2023-04-11-08-12-24-115.png|width=444,height=127!
> Let us work together to reach a consensus on this proposal. Thank you!
> FYI: how the partition be assigned currently
> {code:java}
> public class KafkaTopicPartitionAssigner {    
>     public static int assign(KafkaTopicPartition partition, int 
> numParallelSubtasks) {
>         return assign(partition.getTopic(), partition.getPartition(), 
> numParallelSubtasks);
>     }    public static int assign(String topic, int partition, int 
> numParallelSubtasks) {
>         int startIndex = ((topic.hashCode() * 31) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % 
> numParallelSubtasks;        // here, the assumption is that the id of Kafka 
> partitions are always ascending
>         // starting from 0, and therefore can be used directly as the offset 
> clockwise from the
>         // start index
>         return (startIndex + partition) % numParallelSubtasks;
>     }
>  {code}
> for Kafka Source, it's implemented in the KafkaSourceEnumerator as below
> {code:java}
>     static int getSplitOwner(TopicPartition tp, int numReaders) {
>         int startIndex = ((tp.topic().hashCode() * 31) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % 
> numReaders;        // here, the assumption is that the id of Kafka partitions 
> are always ascending
>         // starting from 0, and therefore can be used directly as the offset 
> clockwise from the
>         // start index
>         return (startIndex + tp.partition()) % numReaders;
>     } {code}

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