
Leonard Xu edited comment on FLINK-36474 at 11/11/24 11:18 AM:

master: 84f97ed4c13ec073022968b83532bdbbce3944ae

3.2: 5c1c50e2ed8e3e04e538d200b8de116f81786421

was (Author: leonard xu):
master: 84f97ed4c13ec073022968b83532bdbbce3944ae

3.2: TODO [~xiqian_yu] would you like to open a PR for release-3.2?

> YAML Table-merging route should accept more type widening cases
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-36474
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-36474
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Flink CDC
>    Affects Versions: cdc-3.2.0
>            Reporter: yux
>            Assignee: yux
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>             Fix For: cdc-3.3.0, cdc-3.2.1
> Currently, there are only three specific type widening cases available when 
> performing table-merging routes:
>  * Integer Type Promotions
>  * Float to Double Promotion
>  * Char-like Type to String
> Any other types (including some reasonable ones, like temporal types) will be 
> rejected during wider type inferencing, which is a little surprising, since 
> table-merging route could tolerate columns with various names and counts.

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