Steffen Hoellinger created FLINK-36098: ------------------------------------------
Summary: Add support for Table Comments in Flink SQL ALTER TABLE statements Key: FLINK-36098 URL: Project: Flink Issue Type: Improvement Reporter: Steffen Hoellinger Table Comments should be changeable via the ALTER Statements Syntax in Flink SQL: {code:java} ALTER TABLE my_table COMMENT 'New comment for my_table' {code} Table Comments can already be created with CREATE Statements such as the following: {code:java} CREATE TABLE (columns) COMMENT 'table_comment' {code} There currently seems no way to change table comments once created except for using the [Create or] Replace Table Statement : {code:java} REPLACE TABLE target_table COMMENT 'changed table_comment' WITH () AS SELECT * FROM source_table; {code} -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)