
Yuan Kui updated FLINK-36043:
As deigned, the SinkMaterializer operator should not be generated when the 
upsert keys are the same as the primary keys. Example:
-- source table
create table source_table (
   col1 int,
   col2 int,
   col3 int,
   col4 int
) with (
   'connector' = 'datagen',

-- sink table
create table sink_table(
   col1 int,
   col2 int,
   col3_cnt bigint,
   col4_max int,
   primary key(col1, col2) not enforced
) with (
   'connector' = 'blackhole'

-- sql
insert into sink_table
  count(col3) like col3_cnt,
  max(col4) like col4_max
from source_table
group by col1,col2;{code}
It works well, and the excution plan has no SinkMaterializer operator:
== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.sink_table], fields=[col1, col2, 
col3_cnt, col4_max])
+- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[col1, col2], select=[col1, col2, COUNT(col3) AS 
col3_cnt, MAX(col4) AS col4_max])
   +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[col1, col2]])
      +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, 
source_table]], fields=[col1, col2, col3, col4])  {code}
however, if we use coalesce function on upsert keys, such as:
insert into sink_table
  -- use coalesce
  coalesce(col1, 0) as col1, 
  count(col3) like col3_cnt,
  max(col4) like col4_max
from source_table
group by col1,col2; {code}
the SinkMaterializer operator will be generated:
== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.sink_table], fields=[col1, col2, 
col3_cnt, col4_max], upsertMaterialize=[true])
+- Calc(select=[coalesce(col1, 0) AS col1, col2, col3_cnt, col4_max])
   +- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[col1, col2], select=[col1, col2, COUNT(col3) AS 
col3_cnt, MAX(col4) AS col4_max])
      +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[col1, col2]])
         +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, 
source_table]], fields=[col1, col2, col3, col4]) {code}
Changing `coalesce(col1, 0)` to `if(col1 is null, 0, col1)` will meet the same 


The code for determining whether a SinkMaterializer operator should be 
generated is in 
 If making a point in line 881 like this:


I found the changeLogUpsertKeys are empty, which lead to 'whether to generate 
SinkMaterializer'  always true.

Is that by design or a bug?



As deigned, the SinkMaterializer operator should not be generated when the 
upsert keys are the same as the primary keys. Example:
-- source table
create table source_table (
   col1 int,
   col2 int,
   col3 int,
   col4 int
) with (
   'connector' = 'datagen',

-- sink table
create table sink_table(
   col1 int,
   col2 int,
   col3_cnt bigint,
   col4_max int,
   primary key(col1, col2) not enforced
) with (
   'connector' = 'blackhole'

-- sql
insert into sink_table
  count(col3) like col3_cnt,
  max(col4) like col4_max
from source_table
group by col1,col2;{code}
It works well, and the excution plan has no SinkMaterializer operator:
== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.sink_table], fields=[col1, col2, 
col3_cnt, col4_max])
+- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[col1, col2], select=[col1, col2, COUNT(col3) AS 
col3_cnt, MAX(col4) AS col4_max])
   +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[col1, col2]])
      +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, 
source_table]], fields=[col1, col2, col3, col4])  {code}
however, if we use coalesce function on upsert keys, such as:
insert into sink_table
  -- use coalesce
  coalesce(col1, 0) as col1, 
  count(col3) like col3_cnt,
  max(col4) like col4_max
from source_table
group by col1,col2; {code}
the SinkMaterializer operator will be generated:
== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.sink_table], fields=[col1, col2, 
col3_cnt, col4_max], upsertMaterialize=[true])
+- Calc(select=[coalesce(col1, 0) AS col1, col2, col3_cnt, col4_max])
   +- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[col1, col2], select=[col1, col2, COUNT(col3) AS 
col3_cnt, MAX(col4) AS col4_max])
      +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[col1, col2]])
         +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, 
source_table]], fields=[col1, col2, col3, col4]) {code}
Changing `coalesce(col1, 0)` to `if(col1 is null, 0, col1)` will meet the same 


The code for determining whether a SinkMaterializer operator should be 
generated is in 
 If making a point in line 881 like this:


I found the changeLogUpsertKeys are empty, which lead to 'whether to generate 
SinkMaterializer'  always true.

Is that by designed or a bug?



> [SQL] Unexpected SinkMaterializer operator generated when use coalesce 
> function on upsert key fields
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-36043
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-36043
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Table SQL / Planner
>    Affects Versions: 1.20.0
>            Reporter: Yuan Kui
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: image-2024-08-13-16-40-27-929.png
> As deigned, the SinkMaterializer operator should not be generated when the 
> upsert keys are the same as the primary keys. Example:
> {code:java}
> -- source table
> create table source_table (
>    col1 int,
>    col2 int,
>    col3 int,
>    col4 int
> ) with (
>    'connector' = 'datagen',
>    'rows-per-second'='10'
> );
> -- sink table
> create table sink_table(
>    col1 int,
>    col2 int,
>    col3_cnt bigint,
>    col4_max int,
>    primary key(col1, col2) not enforced
> ) with (
>    'connector' = 'blackhole'
> );
> -- sql
> insert into sink_table
> select
>   col1,
>   col2,
>   count(col3) like col3_cnt,
>   max(col4) like col4_max
> from source_table
> group by col1,col2;{code}
> It works well, and the excution plan has no SinkMaterializer operator:
> {code:java}
> == Optimized Execution Plan ==
> Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.sink_table], fields=[col1, col2, 
> col3_cnt, col4_max])
> +- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[col1, col2], select=[col1, col2, COUNT(col3) AS 
> col3_cnt, MAX(col4) AS col4_max])
>    +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[col1, col2]])
>       +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, 
> source_table]], fields=[col1, col2, col3, col4])  {code}
> however, if we use coalesce function on upsert keys, such as:
> {code:java}
> insert into sink_table
> select
>   -- use coalesce
>   coalesce(col1, 0) as col1, 
>   col2,
>   count(col3) like col3_cnt,
>   max(col4) like col4_max
> from source_table
> group by col1,col2; {code}
> the SinkMaterializer operator will be generated:
> {code:java}
> == Optimized Execution Plan ==
> Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.sink_table], fields=[col1, col2, 
> col3_cnt, col4_max], upsertMaterialize=[true])
> +- Calc(select=[coalesce(col1, 0) AS col1, col2, col3_cnt, col4_max])
>    +- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[col1, col2], select=[col1, col2, COUNT(col3) AS 
> col3_cnt, MAX(col4) AS col4_max])
>       +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[col1, col2]])
>          +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, 
> source_table]], fields=[col1, col2, col3, col4]) {code}
> Changing `coalesce(col1, 0)` to `if(col1 is null, 0, col1)` will meet the 
> same problem.
> The code for determining whether a SinkMaterializer operator should be 
> generated is in 
> `org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize.program.FlinkChangelogModeInferenceProgram.SatisfyUpdateKindTraitVisitor#analyzeUpsertMaterializeStrategy`.
>  If making a point in line 881 like this:
> !image-2024-08-13-16-40-27-929.png!
> I found the changeLogUpsertKeys are empty, which lead to 'whether to generate 
> SinkMaterializer'  always true.
> Is that by design or a bug?

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