
Weijie Guo resolved FLINK-35957.
    Resolution: Done

> Other announcements
> -------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-35957
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-35957
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>            Reporter: Weijie Guo
>            Assignee: Weijie Guo
>            Priority: Major
> h3. Recordkeeping
> Use [reporter.apache.org|https://reporter.apache.org/addrelease.html?flink] 
> to seed the information about the release into future project reports.
> (Note: Only PMC members have access report releases. If you do not have 
> access, ask on the mailing list for assistance.)
> h3. Flink blog
> Major or otherwise important releases should have a blog post. Write one if 
> needed for this particular release. Minor releases that don’t introduce new 
> major functionality don’t necessarily need to be blogged (see [flink-web PR 
> #581 for Flink 1.15.3|https://github.com/apache/flink-web/pull/581] as an 
> example for a minor release blog post).
> Please make sure that the release notes of the documentation (see section 
> "Review and update documentation") are linked from the blog post of a major 
> release.
> We usually include the names of all contributors in the announcement blog 
> post. Use the following command to get the list of contributors:
> {code}
> # first line is required to make sort first with uppercase and then lower
> export LC_ALL=C
> export FLINK_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_BRANCH=<previousReleaseBranch>
> export FLINK_CURRENT_RELEASE_BRANCH=<currentReleaseBranch>
> # e.g.
> # export FLINK_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_BRANCH=release-1.17
> # export FLINK_CURRENT_RELEASE_BRANCH=release-1.18
> git log $(git merge-base master $FLINK_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_BRANCH)..$(git 
> show-ref --hash ${FLINK_CURRENT_RELEASE_BRANCH}) --pretty=format:"%an%n%cn" | 
> sort  -u | paste -sd, | sed "s/\,/\, /g"
> {code}
> h3. Social media
> Tweet, post on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms. Ask other 
> contributors to do the same.
> h3. Flink Release Wiki page
> Add a summary of things that went well or that went not so well during the 
> release process. This can include feedback from contributors but also more 
> generic things like the release have taken longer than initially anticipated 
> (and why) to give a bit of context to the release process.

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