huxx created FLINK-35913:

             Summary: The issue of using StreamExecutioneEnvironment to execute 
multiple jobs in a program on Flink CDC
                 Key: FLINK-35913
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Flink CDC
            Reporter: huxx
         Attachments: image-2024-07-29-12-23-55-766.png, 

I integrated Flink CDC with Springboot and attempted to listen to multiple data 
sources using a single program, as described above. I used 
StreamExecutioneEnvironment to execute multiple jobs and built different data 
sources. However, when I tried the second task, I received multiple warnings
like this
WARN 21828 --- [rce-coordinator] io.debezium.metrics.Metrics              : 
Unable to register metrics as an old set with the same name exists, retrying in 
PT5S (attempt 1 out of 12)
The final result was that my second job was not executed.
Did you say that my StreamExecutionEnvironment registered duplicate parameters? 
I don't know how to solve this problem? Can't a single 
StreamExecutioneEnvironment execute multiple jobs? Thank you for your reply

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