
Trystan edited comment on FLINK-35285 at 7/23/24 9:39 PM:

Great, we'll experiment with setting the max parallelism to 720 and see how it 


My proposal is a way to avoid the scenario of not being able to scale down in 
an edge case (a case we have hit). This test case exemplifies it:
public void testParallelismComputationStuck(
        Collection<ShipStrategy> inputShipStrategies) {

            60, inputShipStrategies, 360, .8, 8, 360));
} {code}
It will always come back to 60, no matter what, and thus never be able to scale 
below 60. I feel like a scaling action should "optimize if possible, but always 
act" - and in this case, it will not always act. Simply adding a check in the 
algorithm loop to prevent p from reaching currentParallelism (ie: && p != 
currentParallelism) would solve the edge case. 


And yes, that _particular_ case will pass if maxParallelism is 720 :) But this 
again fails:
public void testParallelismComputationStuck(
    Collection<ShipStrategy> inputShipStrategies) {

            120, inputShipStrategies, 720, .8, 8, 720));
so if we were to ever naturally scale up to 120, we could never scale below 
that ever again, no matter how low traffic got.

was (Author: trystan):
Great, we'll experiment with setting the max parallelism to 720 and see how it 


My proposal is a way to avoid the scenario of not being able to scale down in 
an edge case (a case we have hit). This test case exemplifies it:
public void testParallelismComputationStuck(
        Collection<ShipStrategy> inputShipStrategies) {

            60, inputShipStrategies, 360, .8, 8, 360));
} {code}
It will always come back to 60, no matter what, and thus never be able to scale 
below 60. I feel like a scaling action should "optimize if possible, but always 
act" - and in this case, it will not always act. Simply adding a check in the 
algorithm loop to prevent p from reaching currentParallelism (ie: && p != 
currentParallelism) would solve the edge case. 


And yes, that _particular_ case will pass if maxParallelism is 720 :)

> Autoscaler key group optimization can interfere with scale-down.max-factor
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-35285
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-35285
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Kubernetes Operator
>            Reporter: Trystan
>            Priority: Minor
> When setting a less aggressive scale down limit, the key group optimization 
> can prevent a vertex from scaling down at all. It will hunt from target 
> upwards to maxParallelism/2, and will always find currentParallelism again.
> A simple test trying to scale down from a parallelism of 60 with a 
> scale-down.max-factor of 0.2:
> {code:java}
> assertEquals(48, JobVertexScaler.scale(60, inputShipStrategies, 360, .8, 8, 
> 360)); {code}
> It seems reasonable to make a good attempt to spread data across subtasks, 
> but not at the expense of total deadlock. The problem is that during scale 
> down it doesn't actually ensure that newParallelism will be < 
> currentParallelism. The only workaround is to set a scale down factor large 
> enough such that it finds the next lowest divisor of the maxParallelism.
> Clunky, but something to ensure it can make at least some progress. There is 
> another test that now fails, but just to illustrate the point:
> {code:java}
> for (int p = newParallelism; p <= maxParallelism / 2 && p <= upperBound; p++) 
> {
>     if ((scaleFactor < 1 && p < currentParallelism) || (scaleFactor > 1 && p 
> > currentParallelism)) {
>         if (maxParallelism % p == 0) {
>             return p;
>         }
>     }
> } {code}
> Perhaps this is by design and not a bug, but total failure to scale down in 
> order to keep optimized key groups does not seem ideal.
> Key group optimization block:
> [https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator/blob/fe3d24e4500d6fcaed55250ccc816546886fd1cf/flink-autoscaler/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/autoscaler/JobVertexScaler.java#L296C1-L303C10]

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