
Rui Fan reassigned FLINK-20628:

    Assignee:     (was: RocMarshal)

> Port RabbitMQ Sources to FLIP-27 API
> ------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-20628
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20628
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Connectors/ RabbitMQ
>            Reporter: Jan Westphal
>            Priority: Minor
>              Labels: auto-deprioritized-major, pull-request-available, 
> stale-assigned
> *Structure*
> The new RabbitMQ Source will have three components:
>  * RabbitMQ enumerator that receives one RabbitMQ Channel Config.
>  * RabbitMQ splits contain the RabbitMQ Channel Config
>  * RabbitMQ Readers which subscribe to the same RabbitMQ channel and receive 
> the messages (automatically load balanced by RabbitMQ).
> *Checkpointing Enumerators*
> The enumerator only needs to checkpoint the RabbitMQ channel config since the 
> continuous discovery of new unread/unhandled messages is taken care of by the 
> subscribed RabbitMQ readers and RabbitMQ itself.
> *Checkpointing Readers*
> The new RabbitMQ Source needs to ensure that every reader can be checkpointed.
> Since RabbitMQ is non-persistent and cannot be read by offset, a combined 
> usage of checkpoints and message acknowledgments is necessary. Until a 
> received message is checkpointed by a reader, it will stay in an 
> un-acknowledge state. As soon as the checkpoint is created, the messages from 
> the last checkpoint can be acknowledged as handled against RabbitMQ and thus 
> will be deleted only then. Messages need to be acknowledged one by one as 
> messages are handled by each SourceReader individually.
> When deserializing the messages we will make use of the implementation in the 
> existing RabbitMQ Source.
> *Message Delivery Guarantees* 
> Unacknowledged messages of a reader will be redelivered by RabbitMQ 
> automatically to other consumers of the same channel if the reader goes down.
> This Source is going to only support at-least-once as this is the default 
> RabbitMQ behavior and thus everything else would require changes to RabbitMQ 
> itself or would impair the idea of parallelizing SourceReaders.

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