
Piotr Nowojski updated FLINK-35739:
    Component/s: Runtime / State Backends

> FLIP-444: Native file copy support
> ----------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-35739
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-35739
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Connectors / FileSystem, Runtime / State Backends
>            Reporter: Piotr Nowojski
>            Priority: Major
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-444%3A+Native+file+copy+support
> State downloading in Flink can be a time and CPU consuming operation, which 
> is especially visible if CPU resources per task slot are strictly restricted 
> to for example a single CPU. Downloading 1GB of state size can take 
> significant amount of time, while the code doing so is quite inefficient.
> Currently when downloading state files, Flink is creating an 
> FSDataInputStream from the remote file, and copies its bytes, to an 
> OutputStream pointing to a local file (in the 
> RocksDBStateDownloader#downloadDataForStateHandle method). FSDataInputStream 
> internally is being wrapped by many layers of abstractions and indirections 
> and what’s worse, every file is being copied individually, which leads to 
> quite high overheads for small files. Download times and download process CPU 
> efficiency can be significantly improved if we introduced an API to allow 
> org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem to copy many files natively and all at 
> once.
> For S3, there are at least two potential implementations. The first one is 
> using AWS SDKv2 directly (Flink currently is using AWS SDKv1 wrapped by 
> hadoop/presto) and Amazon S3 Transfer Manager. Second option is to use a 3rd 
> party tool called s5cmd. It is claimed to be a faster alternative to the 
> official AWS clients, which was confirmed by our benchmarks.

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