
Hilmi Al Fatih commented on FLINK-34554:

[~fpaul] From theoretical perspective, the heap increases due to the broker 
storing `ProducerStateEntry` which will by default be expired automatically 
after 1 day (cleaning interval itself is defaulted to 1 hour). So, to answer 
your question, the heap will keep increase up to 1 day entry, where after that 
point is pretty much static.
So the matters in question now comes down to several factors such as 1) how 
many subtask available 2) transaction interval. If we can keep subtask numbers 
to be low, or if we can have long transaction interval long enough, heap may be 
able to hold all entries.

For the second question. I guess the usage pattern is not common/expected but 
yeah sometimes happen in my side (which may be an abuse). Assuming we start a 
job from old savepoint/without savepoint by using the same-previously-used 
`transactionalIdPrefix`, according to the [source 
 it will try to abort all transactions starting from the `lastCheckpointId` 
until it find the first transactionalId where the corresponding producer has 
epoch = 0.

For more concrete example, lets say in the previous run I went from checkpoint 
100 all the way through 100000, but then I want restart again from checkpoint 
100. In that scenario, since all transaction Ids (100 -> 100000) has been used, 
the transaction aborter will assume that it all those IDs need to be aborted 
due to the fact that producerEpoch > 0. The aborting process itself will take 
very long.

Actually for this scenario, the easy fix is just to change the transactional Id 
prefix when we do need to do such operation (goes back to the previous 
checkpointId). So yeah, this might not be a priority for now, but some 
words/example in the documentation will suffice.

> Using EXACTLY_ONCE with KafkaSink cause broker's OOM due to newly created 
> transactionalId per checkpoint
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-34554
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-34554
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Connectors / Kafka
>    Affects Versions: 1.16.3, 1.17.2, 1.18.1
>            Reporter: Hilmi Al Fatih
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: image (4).png, image (5).png, 
> image-2024-03-16-17-17-16-152.png
> Flink version: 1.17.1
> Kafka Broker version: 2.7.1 * 4 GB heap memory for each
> Hi, We recently had an outage in our production system after we perform a 
> Flink kafka-connector API upgrade. To give a brief context, our application 
> is a simple kafka-to-kafka pipeline with minimal processing. We run in 
> EXACTLY_ONCE mode, thus kafka transaction is involved.
> Our application runs with total around 350 sink subtask. Checkpoint period 
> was set to 5 seconds to avoid blocking {{read_committed}} consumers too long. 
> We recently performed an upgrade with the following details:
> Previous state:
>  * Flink version: 1.14.4
>  * Broker version: 2.7.1
>  * kafka connector API: FlinkKafkaProducer
> Update to:
>  * Flink version: 1.17.1
>  * Broker version: 2.7.1
>  * kafka connector API: KafkaSink
> Around 10 hours after the deployment, our kafka broker started to failing 
> with OOM error. Heap dump entries are dominated by the ProducerStateEntry 
> records.
> Our investigation leads to finding the total implementation change between 
> FlinkKafkaProducer and KafkaSink.
>  * KafkaSink generate different transactionalId for each checkpoint,
>  * FlinkKafkaProducer uses constant set of transactionalId pool.
> With this behavior, KafkaSink seemed to exhaust our broker heap very fast and 
> the ProducerStateEntry will only expire after 
> [transactional.id.expiration.ms|http://transactional.id.expiration.ms/] , 
> which by default is set to 7 days.  
> ([ref1|https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/61dbce85d0d41457d81a4096ecaea049f3a4b3ae/core/src/main/scala/kafka/log/Log.scala#L677],
> [ref2|https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/61dbce85d0d41457d81a4096ecaea049f3a4b3ae/core/src/main/scala/kafka/log/LogManager.scala#L268],
> [ref3|https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/61dbce85d0d41457d81a4096ecaea049f3a4b3ae/core/src/main/scala/kafka/log/LogManager.scala#L1207])
> For our job, it means it creates roughly:
>  * 10 hour running) 350 ids * 12 times/minute * 60 min/hour * 10 hour ~ 
> 2,520,000
>  * 7 days) ~ 42mil entries.
> Attached below is the number of ProducerStateEntry entries of heap dump when 
> it is OOM:
>  * 505,000 (6.5%), in total it would be roughly ~ 7,000,000 entries.
> There are several things that come up in our mind to mitigate the drawbacks 
> such as:
>  * reduce the number of subtasks, so it reduces the number of transactionalId
>  * Enlarge the checkpoint period to reduce the newly generated 
> transactionalId rate.
>  * Shorten 
> [transactional.id.expiration.ms|http://transactional.id.expiration.ms/] to 
> expire the unused transactionalId soon.
>  * Increase the broker heap
> However, above mitigation might be too cumbersome and need careful tuning 
> which harm our flexibility.In addition, due to the lack of maintaining 
> lingering transaction state, TransactionAborter seems to abort old 
> transaction naively. We might be accidentally (or purposefully) reuse the 
> same transactionalIdPrefix and start the counter from 0. In that case, if the 
> old transactionalId happens to have epoch >0, it will keep looping aborting 
> the nonexistent transactions up to the latest checkpoint counter (which may 
> be too big) and make the job stuck.
> Btw, I am aware that in Flink 2.0, you guys are putting a lot of effort on 
> creating better integration with Kafka transaction 
> ([FLIP-319|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=255071710]).
>  In FLIP-319, it mentions something about TID pooling. However, it is seem 
> that there is no relevant page yet for it, so I wonder whether there are any 
> concrete plan already that I can follow, or if there is something I can 
> contribute to, I will be really happy to help.

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