Lee SeungMin created FLINK-34689:

             Summary: check binlog_row_value_optoins
                 Key: FLINK-34689
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-34689
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Flink CDC
            Reporter: Lee SeungMin
         Attachments: image-2024-03-15-12-56-49-344.png

When {{binlog_row_value_optoins}} is set to {{{}PARTIAL_JSON{}}},
the update operator remains as {{{}Update_rows_partial{}}}.

Flink CDC does not parse this event because {{Update_row_partial}} binlog event 
is mapped to {{PARTIAL_UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT}} and Flink CDC do not handle that 
event type


Example of Update_row_partial (when {{binlog_row_value_optoins}} = 


So, we have to check {{binlog_row_value_optoins}} before starting.



Cretae PR: [[MySQL][Feature] check binlog_row_value_optoins by SML0127 · Pull 
Request #3148 · apache/flink-cdc 

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