
Nathan Taylor Armstrong Lewis commented on FLINK-21227:

Is there any particular reason not to use the {{$\{protoc.version\}}} property 
that is defined in 
 to keep the version of protoc used consistent across the repo?

Specifically that might look something like changing 

I'm not familiar with parquet, so this might be a horrible idea due to 
something parquet specific.

> Upgrade Protobof 3.7.0 for (power)ppc64le support
> -------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-21227
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-21227
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Formats (JSON, Avro, Parquet, ORC, SequenceFile)
>            Reporter: Bivas
>            Priority: Not a Priority
>              Labels: auto-deprioritized-major, auto-deprioritized-minor
> com.google.protobuf:*protoc:3.5.1:exe* was not supported by power. Later 
> versions released multi-arch support including power(ppc64le).Using 
> *protoc:3.7.0:exe* able to build and E2E tests passed successfully.
> https://github.com/bivasda1/flink/blob/master/flink-formats/flink-parquet/pom.xml#L253

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