Zakelly Lan created FLINK-33672:

             Summary: Use MapState.entries() instead of keys() and get() in 
over window
                 Key: FLINK-33672
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Table SQL / Runtime
            Reporter: Zakelly Lan

In code logic related with over windows, such asĀ 

public void onTimer(
        long timestamp,
        KeyedProcessFunction<K, RowData, RowData>.OnTimerContext ctx,
        Collector<RowData> out)
        throws Exception {
    Iterator<Long> iter = inputState.keys().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Long elementKey =;
        if (elementKey < limit) {
            // element key outside of window. Retract values
            List<RowData> elementsRemove = inputState.get(elementKey);
            // ...
} {code}

As we can see, there is a combination of key iteration and get the value for 
iterated key from inputState. However for RocksDB, the key iteration calls 
entry iteration, which means actually we could replace it by entry iteration 
without introducing any extra overhead. And as a result, we could save a 
function call of get() by using getValue() of iterated entry at very low cost.

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