
Yun Tang edited comment on FLINK-20672 at 11/8/23 3:01 AM:

[~Zakelly] Thanks for picking up the stale tickets. However, I think this is 
not true after FLINK-23654 is resolved.

was (Author: yunta):
[~Zakelly] Thanks for picking up the stale tickets. However, I think this is 
not true after FLINK-20672 is resolved.

> notifyCheckpointAborted RPC failure can fail JM
> -----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-20672
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20672
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Runtime / Checkpointing
>    Affects Versions: 1.11.3, 1.12.0
>            Reporter: Roman Khachatryan
>            Assignee: Zakelly Lan
>            Priority: Not a Priority
>              Labels: auto-deprioritized-major, auto-deprioritized-minor, 
> pull-request-available
> Introduced in FLINK-8871, aborted RPC notifications are done asynchonously:
> {code}
>       private void sendAbortedMessages(long checkpointId, long timeStamp) {
>               // send notification of aborted checkpoints asynchronously.
>               executor.execute(() -> {
>                       // send the "abort checkpoint" messages to necessary 
> vertices.
>                         // ..
>               });
>       }
> {code}
> However, the executor that eventually executes this request is created as 
> follows
> {code}
>               final ScheduledExecutorService futureExecutor = 
> Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(
>                               Hardware.getNumberCPUCores(),
>                               new ExecutorThreadFactory("jobmanager-future"));
> {code}
> ExecutorThreadFactory uses UncaughtExceptionHandler that exits JVM on error.
> cc: [~yunta]

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