
Elkhan Dadashov updated FLINK-32884:
    Fix Version/s: 1.19.0

> PyFlink remote execution should support URLs with paths and https scheme
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-32884
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32884
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Client / Job Submission, Runtime / REST
>    Affects Versions: 1.17.1
>            Reporter: Elkhan Dadashov
>            Assignee: Elkhan Dadashov
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 1.19.0
> Currently, the `SUBMIT_ARGS=remote -m http://<hostname>:<port>` format. For 
> local execution it works fine `SUBMIT_ARGS=remote -m 
> [http://localhost:8081|http://localhost:8081/]`, but it does not support the 
> placement of the JobManager befind a proxy or using an Ingress for routing to 
> a specific Flink cluster based on the URL path. In current scenario, it 
> expects JobManager access PyFlink jobs at `http://<hostname>:<port>/v1/jobs` 
> endpoint. Mapping to a non-root location, 
> `https://<hostname>:<port>/flink-clusters/namespace/flink_job_deployment/v1/jobs`
>  is not supported.
> This will use changes from 
> FLINK-32885(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32885)
> Since RestClusterClient talks to the JobManager via its REST endpoint, the 
> right format for `SUBMIT_ARGS` is URL with path (also support for https 
> scheme).

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