jayadeep-jayaraman commented on code in PR #23226:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/23226#discussion_r1296172529

@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ You can also set `gcs-connector` options directly in the 
Hadoop `core-site.xml`
 | gs.writer.temporary.bucket.name           | Set this property to choose a 
bucket to hold temporary blobs for in-progress writes via `RecoverableWriter`. 
If this property is not set, temporary blobs will be written to same bucket as 
the final file being written. In either case, temporary blobs are written with 
the prefix `.inprogress/`. <br><br>  It is recommended to choose a separate 
bucket in order to [assign it a 
TTL](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/lifecycle), to provide a mechanism 
to clean up orphaned blobs that can occur when restoring from 
check/savepoints.<br><br>If you do use a separate bucket with a TTL for 
temporary blobs, attempts to restart jobs from check/savepoints after the TTL 
interval expires may fail. 
 | gs.writer.chunk.size                      | Set this property to [set the 
 for writes via `RecoverableWriter`. <br><br>If not set, a Google-determined 
default chunk size will be used.                                                
+| gs.http.connect-timeout                   | Set this property to [set the 
 for java-storage client.                                                       

Review Comment:
   @singhravidutt  - Can we mention the default values in the documentation.

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