
Alexander Fedulov updated FLINK-28045:
This ticket should only contain items where SourceFunction is already used in 
the existing code base. For new functionality and Source V2 API improvements, 
use FLINK-32692.
Current state of migration to Source V2 API for officially-supported connectors
 (/) FileSystem (Public)
 (/) Kafka  (PublicEvolving)
 (/) Cassandra (PublicEvolving)
 (/) Pulsar (PublicEvolving)
 (/) HiveSource (PublicEvolving)
 (/) HybridSource (PublicEvolving)
 (/) MongoDB (PublicEvolving)
 (/) Hive (PublicEvolving)
 (?) Kinesis (Experimental)
  (flagoff) JDBC - not impacted (based on {{{}TableFunction{}}})
  (flagoff) HBase - not impacted (based on {{{}TableFunction{}}})
 (x) RabbitMQ
 (x) Google Pub Sub

This ticket should only contain items where SourceFunction is already used in 
the existing code base. For new functionality and Source API improvements, use 
Current state of migration to Source V2 API for officially-supported connectors
 (/) FileSystem (Public)
 (/) Kafka  (PublicEvolving)
 (/) Cassandra (PublicEvolving)
 (/) Pulsar (PublicEvolving)
 (/) HiveSource (PublicEvolving)
 (/) HybridSource (PublicEvolving)
 (/) MongoDB (PublicEvolving)
 (/) Hive (PublicEvolving)
 (?) Kinesis (Experimental)
  (flagoff) JDBC - not impacted (based on {{{}TableFunction{}}})
  (flagoff) HBase - not impacted (based on {{{}TableFunction{}}})
 (x) RabbitMQ
 (x) Google Pub Sub

> [umbrella] Blockers for SourceFunction API removal (in Flink 2.0)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-28045
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-28045
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Technical Debt
>          Components: Connectors / Common
>            Reporter: Alexander Fedulov
>            Assignee: Alexander Fedulov
>            Priority: Major
> This ticket should only contain items where SourceFunction is already used in 
> the existing code base. For new functionality and Source V2 API improvements, 
> use FLINK-32692.
> —
> Current state of migration to Source V2 API for officially-supported 
> connectors
>  (/) FileSystem (Public)
>  (/) Kafka  (PublicEvolving)
>  (/) Cassandra (PublicEvolving)
>  (/) Pulsar (PublicEvolving)
>  (/) HiveSource (PublicEvolving)
>  (/) HybridSource (PublicEvolving)
>  (/) MongoDB (PublicEvolving)
>  (/) Hive (PublicEvolving)
>  (?) Kinesis (Experimental)
>   (flagoff) JDBC - not impacted (based on {{{}TableFunction{}}})
>   (flagoff) HBase - not impacted (based on {{{}TableFunction{}}})
>  (x) RabbitMQ
>  (x) Google Pub Sub

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