
yuanfenghu commented on FLINK-23190:

[~loyi]  I think there are other issues to consider
 # Flink will apply for the same Pipelined region together, so you should not 
only experiment with rebalance. Generally speaking, if there are multiple 
Pipelined regions in a pipeline, the allocateSlotsForVertices method will be 
called multiple times, so you also need to try to use rescale to generate 
multiple pipeline regions. [~Weijie Guo] [~guoweijie]  I see that you have 
completed this part of the code. I would like to ask if you have any opinions 
on this issue. I look forward to your feedback
 # How to ensure even distribution when there are multiple pipelines in a Flink

> Make task-slot allocation much more evenly
> ------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-23190
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-23190
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Runtime / Coordination
>    Affects Versions: 1.14.0, 1.12.3, 1.13.1
>            Reporter: loyi
>            Assignee: loyi
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available, stale-assigned
>         Attachments: image-2021-07-16-10-34-30-700.png
> FLINK-12122 only guarantees spreading out tasks across the set of TMs which 
> are registered at the time of scheduling, but our jobs are all runing on 
> active yarn mode, the job with smaller source parallelism offen cause 
> load-balance issues. 
> For this job:
> {code:java}
> //  -ys 4     means 10 taskmanagers
> env.addSource(...).name("A").setParallelism(10).
>  map(...).name("B").setParallelism(30)
>  .map(...).name("C").setParallelism(40)
>  .addSink(...).name("D").setParallelism(20);
> {code}
>  Flink-1.12.3 task allocation: 
> ||operator||tm1 ||tm2||tm3||tm4||tm5||5m6||tm7||tm8||tm9||tm10||
> |A| 
> 1|{color:#de350b}2{color}|{color:#de350b}2{color}|1|1|{color:#de350b}3{color}|{color:#de350b}0{color}|{color:#de350b}0{color}|{color:#de350b}0{color}|{color:#de350b}0{color}|
> |B|3|3|3|3|3|3|3|3|{color:#de350b}2{color}|{color:#de350b}4{color}|
> |C|4|4|4|4|4|4|4|4|4|4|
> |D|2|2|2|2|2|{color:#de350b}1{color}|{color:#de350b}1{color}|2|2|{color:#de350b}4{color}|
> Suggestions:
> When TaskManger start register slots to slotManager , current processing 
> logic will choose  the first pendingSlot which meet its resource 
> requirements.  The "random" strategy usually causes uneven task allocation 
> when source-operator's parallelism is significantly below process-operator's. 
>   A simple feasible idea  is  {color:#de350b}partition{color} the current  
> "{color:#de350b}pendingSlots{color}" by their "JobVertexIds" (such as  let 
> AllocationID bring the detail)  , then allocate the slots proportionally to 
> each JobVertexGroup.
> For above case, the 40 pendingSlots could be divided into 4 groups:
> [ABCD]: 10        // A、B、C、D reprents  {color:#de350b}jobVertexId{color}
> [BCD]: 10
> [CD]: 10
> [D]: 10
> Every taskmanager will provide 4 slots one time, and each group will get 1 
> slot according their proportion (1/4), the final allocation result is below:
> [ABCD] : deploye on 10 different taskmangers
> [BCD]: deploye on 10 different taskmangers
> [CD]: deploye on 10  different taskmangers
> [D]: deploye on 10 different taskmangers
> I have implement a [concept 
> code|https://github.com/saddays/flink/commit/dc82e60a7c7599fbcb58c14f8e3445bc8d07ace1]
>   based on Flink-1.12.3 ,  the patch version has {color:#de350b}fully 
> evenly{color} task allocation , and works well on my workload .  Are there 
> other point that have not been considered or  does it conflict with future 
> plans?      Sorry for my poor english.

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