
Martijn Visser updated FLINK-29729:
    Fix Version/s:     (was: 1.17.0)

> Support including the configured properties from flink-conf.yaml during 
> create ParquetReader
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-29729
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-29729
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Formats (JSON, Avro, Parquet, ORC, SequenceFile)
>            Reporter: Rascal Wu
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>         Attachments: image-2022-10-22-17-41-38-084.png
> Hi, I'm thinking if we can include the configured properties from 
> flink-conf.yaml during create ParquetReader in `ParquetVectorizedInputformat` 
> besides hadoop configuration.
> I meet a use case that I want to query a table from S3 bucket with parquet 
> format via filesystem connector, and I configured the AWS credential info in 
> the `flink-conf.yaml`, e.g. fs.s3a.access.key, fs.s3a.secret.key, etc. 
> The JobManager(SourceCoordinator) works well about "getFileStatus" of S3 
> objects and generate splits, but TaskManager(SourceOperator -> 
> ParquetVectorizedInputFormat -> ParquetReader) doesn't work since missing AWS 
> credential info.
> After taking a deep analysis at the source code about creating ParquetReader 
> to reader footer, I found that the AWS credential info is not passed during 
> create & initialize S3AFileSystem, the detail info as showing in the bellow 
> snapshot.  !image-2022-10-22-17-41-38-084.png!
> The `hadoopConfig` only contains the properties from table format options and 
> default hadoop properties from core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml and etc. Because 
> the `hadoopConfig` is injected by 
> `ParquetFileFormatFactory#createRuntimeDecoder` -> 
> `ParquetColumnarRowInputFormat.createPartitionedFormat` -> 
> `ParquetFileFormatFactory.generateParquetConfiguration`
> {code:java}
> @Override
> public BulkFormat<RowData, FileSourceSplit> createRuntimeDecoder(
> DynamicTableSource.Context sourceContext,
> DataType producedDataType,
> int[][] projections) {
> return ParquetColumnarRowInputFormat.createPartitionedFormat(
> getParquetConfiguration(formatOptions),
> (RowType) 
> Projection.of(projections).project(producedDataType).getLogicalType(),
> sourceContext.createTypeInformation(producedDataType),
> Collections.emptyList(),
> null,
> VectorizedColumnBatch.DEFAULT_SIZE,
> formatOptions.get(UTC_TIMEZONE),
> true);
> }
> private static Configuration getParquetConfiguration(ReadableConfig options) {
> Configuration conf = new Configuration();
> Properties properties = new Properties();
> ((org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration) 
> options).addAllToProperties(properties);
> properties.forEach((k, v) -> conf.set(IDENTIFIER + "." + k, v.toString()));
> return conf;
> }
> {code}
> I know that I can add the AWS credential info into core-site.xml or 
> hdfs-site.xml, so that the `ParquetReader` can get the credential, but I 
> think it might not a good practice, especially different flink jobs will use 
> different AWS credential, so I'm thinking if we can combine the default 
> hadoop configuration(static) and the properties from 
> `flink-conf.yaml`(dynamic) during create `ParquetReader`. 
> For example, just like how this PR doing? 
> https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/21130
> BTW,  I'm using Flink 1.15.1 in a standalone cluster to validate the whole 
> process, but I think not only 1.15.1 version meet this problem, and not only 
> access the objects/files from AWS S3 bucket, any other cloud object storage 
> might also meet this problem.
> Besides change the code, is there any other solution can help me to handle 
> this problem? thanks. 

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