swuferhong commented on code in PR #21489:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/21489#discussion_r1064259324

@@ -60,318 +69,470 @@
 public class DynamicPartitionPruningUtils {
-     * For the input join node, judge whether the join left side and join 
right side meet the
-     * requirements of dynamic partition pruning. Fact side in left or right 
join is not clear.
+     * Judge whether the input RelNode meets the conditions of dimSide. If 
joinKeys is null means we
+     * need not consider the join keys in dim side, which already deal by 
dynamic partition pruning
+     * rule. If joinKeys not null means we need to judge whether joinKeys 
changed in dim side, if
+     * changed, this RelNode is not dim side.
-    public static boolean supportDynamicPartitionPruning(Join join) {
-        return supportDynamicPartitionPruning(join, true)
-                || supportDynamicPartitionPruning(join, false);
+    public static boolean isDppDimSide(RelNode rel) {
+        DppDimSideChecker dimSideChecker = new DppDimSideChecker(rel);
+        return dimSideChecker.isDppDimSide();
-     * For the input join node, judge whether the join left side and join 
right side meet the
-     * requirements of dynamic partition pruning. Fact side in left or right 
is clear. If meets the
-     * requirements, return true.
+     * Judge whether the input RelNode can be converted to the dpp fact side. 
If the input RelNode
+     * can be converted, this method will return the converted fact side whose 
partitioned table
+     * source will be converted to {@link 
BatchPhysicalDynamicFilteringTableSourceScan}, If not,
+     * this method will return the origin RelNode.
-    public static boolean supportDynamicPartitionPruning(Join join, boolean 
factInLeft) {
-        if (!ShortcutUtils.unwrapContext(join)
-                .getTableConfig()
-            return false;
-        }
-        // Now dynamic partition pruning supports left/right join, inner and 
semi join. but now semi
-        // join can not join reorder.
-        if (join.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.LEFT) {
-            if (factInLeft) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        } else if (join.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.RIGHT) {
-            if (!factInLeft) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        } else if (join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER
-                && join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.SEMI) {
+    public static Tuple2<Boolean, RelNode> canConvertAndConvertDppFactSide(
+            RelNode rel,
+            ImmutableIntList joinKeys,
+            RelNode dimSide,
+            ImmutableIntList dimSideJoinKey) {
+        DppFactSideChecker dppFactSideChecker =
+                new DppFactSideChecker(rel, joinKeys, dimSide, dimSideJoinKey);
+        return dppFactSideChecker.canConvertAndConvertDppFactSide();
+    }
+    /** Judge whether the join node is suitable one for dpp pattern. */
+    public static boolean isSuitableJoin(Join join) {
+        // Now dynamic partition pruning supports left/right join, inner and 
+        // join. but now semi join can not join reorder.
+        if (join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER
+                && join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.SEMI
+                && join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.LEFT
+                && join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.RIGHT) {
             return false;
         JoinInfo joinInfo = join.analyzeCondition();
-        if (joinInfo.leftKeys.isEmpty()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        RelNode left = join.getLeft();
-        RelNode right = join.getRight();
-        // TODO Now fact side and dim side don't support many complex 
patterns, like join inside
-        // fact/dim side, agg inside fact/dim side etc. which will support 
-        return factInLeft
-                ? isDynamicPartitionPruningPattern(left, right, 
-                : isDynamicPartitionPruningPattern(right, left, 
+        return !joinInfo.leftKeys.isEmpty();
-    private static boolean isDynamicPartitionPruningPattern(
-            RelNode factSide, RelNode dimSide, ImmutableIntList 
factSideJoinKey) {
-        return isDimSide(dimSide) && isFactSide(factSide, factSideJoinKey);
-    }
+    /** This class is used to check whether the relNode is dpp dim side. */
+    private static class DppDimSideChecker {
+        private final RelNode relNode;
+        private boolean hasFilter;
+        private boolean hasPartitionedScan;
+        private final List<ContextResolvedTable> tables = new ArrayList<>();
-    /** make a dpp fact side factor to recurrence in fact side. */
-    private static boolean isFactSide(RelNode rel, ImmutableIntList joinKeys) {
-        DppFactSideFactors factSideFactors = new DppFactSideFactors();
-        visitFactSide(rel, factSideFactors, joinKeys);
-        return factSideFactors.isFactSide();
-    }
+        public DppDimSideChecker(RelNode relNode) {
+            this.relNode = relNode;
+        }
-    /**
-     * Judge whether input RelNode meets the conditions of dimSide. If 
joinKeys is null means we
-     * need not consider the join keys in dim side, which already deal by 
dynamic partition pruning
-     * rule. If joinKeys not null means we need to judge whether joinKeys 
changed in dim side, if
-     * changed, this RelNode is not dim side.
-     */
-    private static boolean isDimSide(RelNode rel) {
-        DppDimSideFactors dimSideFactors = new DppDimSideFactors();
-        visitDimSide(rel, dimSideFactors);
-        return dimSideFactors.isDimSide();
-    }
+        public boolean isDppDimSide() {
+            visitDimSide(this.relNode);
+            return hasFilter && !hasPartitionedScan && tables.size() == 1;
+        }
-    /**
-     * Visit fact side to judge whether fact side has partition table, 
partition table source meets
-     * the condition of dpp table source and dynamic filtering keys changed in 
fact side.
-     */
-    private static void visitFactSide(
-            RelNode rel, DppFactSideFactors factSideFactors, ImmutableIntList 
joinKeys) {
-        if (rel instanceof TableScan) {
-            TableScan scan = (TableScan) rel;
-            if (scan instanceof BatchPhysicalDynamicFilteringTableSourceScan) {
-                // rule applied
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableFactScanSource = false;
-                return;
-            }
-            TableSourceTable tableSourceTable = 
-            if (tableSourceTable == null) {
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableFactScanSource = false;
-                return;
-            }
-            CatalogTable catalogTable = 
-            List<String> partitionKeys = catalogTable.getPartitionKeys();
-            if (partitionKeys.isEmpty()) {
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableFactScanSource = false;
-                return;
-            }
-            DynamicTableSource tableSource = tableSourceTable.tableSource();
-            if (!(tableSource instanceof SupportsDynamicFiltering)
-                    || !(tableSource instanceof ScanTableSource)) {
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableFactScanSource = false;
-                return;
-            }
-            if (!isNewSource((ScanTableSource) tableSource)) {
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableFactScanSource = false;
-                return;
-            }
+        /**
+         * Visit dim side to judge whether dim side has filter condition and 
whether dim side's
+         * source table scan is non partitioned scan.
+         */
+        private void visitDimSide(RelNode rel) {
+            // TODO Let visitDimSide more efficient and more accurate. Like a 
filter on dim table or
+            // a filter for the partition field on fact table.
+            if (rel instanceof TableScan) {
+                TableScan scan = (TableScan) rel;
+                TableSourceTable table = 
+                if (table == null) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (!hasFilter
+                        && table.abilitySpecs() != null
+                        && table.abilitySpecs().length != 0) {
+                    for (SourceAbilitySpec spec : table.abilitySpecs()) {
+                        if (spec instanceof FilterPushDownSpec) {
+                            List<RexNode> predicates = ((FilterPushDownSpec) 
+                            for (RexNode predicate : predicates) {
+                                if (isSuitableFilter(predicate)) {
+                                    hasFilter = true;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                CatalogTable catalogTable = 
+                if (catalogTable.isPartitioned()) {
+                    hasPartitionedScan = true;
+                    return;
+                }
-            List<String> candidateFields =
-                    joinKeys.stream()
-                            .map(i -> scan.getRowType().getFieldNames().get(i))
-                            .collect(Collectors.toList());
-            if (candidateFields.isEmpty()) {
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableFactScanSource = false;
-                return;
+                // To ensure there is only one source on the dim side.
+                setTables(table.contextResolvedTable());
+            } else if (rel instanceof HepRelVertex) {
+                visitDimSide(((HepRelVertex) rel).getCurrentRel());
+            } else if (rel instanceof Exchange || rel instanceof Project) {
+                visitDimSide(rel.getInput(0));
+            } else if (rel instanceof Calc) {
+                RexProgram origProgram = ((Calc) rel).getProgram();
+                if (origProgram.getCondition() != null
+                        && isSuitableFilter(
origProgram.expandLocalRef(origProgram.getCondition()))) {
+                    hasFilter = true;
+                }
+                visitDimSide(rel.getInput(0));
+            } else if (rel instanceof Filter) {
+                if (isSuitableFilter(((Filter) rel).getCondition())) {
+                    hasFilter = true;
+                }
+                visitDimSide(rel.getInput(0));
+            } else if (rel instanceof Join) {
+                Join join = (Join) rel;
+                visitDimSide(join.getLeft());
+                visitDimSide(join.getRight());
+            } else if (rel instanceof BatchPhysicalGroupAggregateBase) {
+                visitDimSide(((BatchPhysicalGroupAggregateBase) 
+            } else if (rel instanceof Union) {
+                Union union = (Union) rel;
+                for (RelNode input : union.getInputs()) {
+                    visitDimSide(input);
+                }
+        }
-            factSideFactors.isSuitableFactScanSource =
-                    !getSuitableDynamicFilteringFieldsInFactSide(tableSource, 
-                            .isEmpty();
-        } else if (rel instanceof HepRelVertex) {
-            visitFactSide(((HepRelVertex) rel).getCurrentRel(), 
factSideFactors, joinKeys);
-        } else if (rel instanceof Exchange || rel instanceof Filter) {
-            visitFactSide(rel.getInput(0), factSideFactors, joinKeys);
-        } else if (rel instanceof Project) {
-            List<RexNode> projects = ((Project) rel).getProjects();
-            ImmutableIntList inputJoinKeys = getInputIndices(projects, 
-            if (inputJoinKeys.isEmpty()) {
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableJoinKey = false;
-                return;
+        /**
+         * Not all filter condition suitable for using to filter partitions by 
dynamic partition
+         * pruning rules. For example, NOT NULL can only filter one default 
partition which have a
+         * small impact on filtering data.
+         */
+        private static boolean isSuitableFilter(RexNode filterCondition) {
+            switch (filterCondition.getKind()) {
+                case AND:
+                    List<RexNode> conjunctions = 
+                    return isSuitableFilter(conjunctions.get(0))
+                            || isSuitableFilter(conjunctions.get(1));
+                case OR:
+                    List<RexNode> disjunctions = 
+                    return isSuitableFilter(disjunctions.get(0))
+                            && isSuitableFilter(disjunctions.get(1));
+                case NOT:
+                    return isSuitableFilter(((RexCall) 
+                case EQUALS:
+                case GREATER_THAN:
+                case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
+                case LESS_THAN:
+                case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
+                case NOT_EQUALS:
+                case IN:
+                case LIKE:
+                case CONTAINS:
+                case SEARCH:
+                case IS_FALSE:
+                case IS_NOT_FALSE:
+                case IS_NOT_TRUE:
+                case IS_TRUE:
+                    // TODO adding more suitable filters which can filter 
enough partitions after
+                    // using this filter in dynamic partition pruning.
+                    return true;
+                default:
+                    return false;
+        }
-            visitFactSide(rel.getInput(0), factSideFactors, inputJoinKeys);
-        } else if (rel instanceof Calc) {
-            Calc calc = (Calc) rel;
-            RexProgram program = calc.getProgram();
-            List<RexNode> projects =
-                    program.getProjectList().stream()
-                            .map(program::expandLocalRef)
-                            .collect(Collectors.toList());
-            ImmutableIntList inputJoinKeys = getInputIndices(projects, 
-            if (inputJoinKeys.isEmpty()) {
-                factSideFactors.isSuitableJoinKey = false;
-                return;
+        private void setTables(ContextResolvedTable catalogTable) {
+            if (tables.size() == 0) {
+                tables.add(catalogTable);
+            } else {
+                for (ContextResolvedTable thisTable : new ArrayList<>(tables)) 

Review Comment:
   > nit: why we need new ArrayList instance here?
   The list variable `tables` have an `add` operation in the for loop. If we 
don't new one new ArrayList, a concurrent modification exception will be thrown.

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