Rui Fan created FLINK-30185:

             Summary: Provide the flame graph to the subtask level
                 Key: FLINK-30185
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Runtime / REST, Runtime / Web Frontend
            Reporter: Rui Fan
             Fix For: 1.17.0
         Attachments: image-2022-11-24-14-49-42-845.png

FLINK-13550 supported for CPU FlameGraphs in web UI.

As Flink doc mentioned:
Note: Stack trace samples from all threads of an operator are combined 
together. If a method call consumes 100% of the resources in one of the 
parallel tasks but none in the others, the bottleneck might be obscured by 
being averaged out.

There are plans to address this limitation in the future by providing “drill 
down” visualizations to the task level. {code}

The flame graph at the subtask level is very useful when a small number of 
subtasks are bottlenecked. So we should provide the flame graph to the subtask 





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