lincoln-lil commented on code in PR #20242:

@@ -2203,3 +2203,94 @@ SqlNode TryCastFunctionCall() :
         return operator.createCall(s.end(this), args);
+* Parses a partition key/value,
+* e.g. p or p = '10'.
+SqlPartitionSpecProperty PartitionSpecProperty():
+    final SqlParserPos pos;
+    final SqlIdentifier key;
+    SqlNode value = null;
+    key = SimpleIdentifier() { pos = getPos(); }
+    [
+        LOOKAHEAD(1)
+        <EQ> value = Literal()
+    ]
+    {
+        return new SqlPartitionSpecProperty(key, value, pos);
+    }
+* Parses a partition specifications statement,
+* e.g. ANALYZE TABLE tbl1 partition(col1='val1', col2='val2') xxx
+* or
+* ANALYZE TABLE tbl1 partition(col1, col2) xxx.
+void ExtendedPartitionSpecCommaList(SqlNodeList list) :
+    SqlPartitionSpecProperty property;
+    <LPAREN>
+    property = PartitionSpecProperty()
+    {
+       list.add(property);
+    }
+    (
+        <COMMA> property = PartitionSpecProperty()
+        {
+            list.add(property);
+        }
+    )*
+    <RPAREN>
+/** Parses a comma-separated list of simple identifiers with position. */
+SqlNodeList SimpleIdentifierCommaListWithPosition() :
+    final Span s;
+    final List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
+    { s = span(); }
+    SimpleIdentifierCommaList(list) {
+        return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
+    }
+/** Parses an ANALYZE TABLE statement. */
+SqlNode SqlAnalyzeTable():
+       final Span s;
+       final SqlIdentifier tableName;
+       SqlNodeList partitionSpec = SqlNodeList.EMPTY;
+       SqlNodeList columns = SqlNodeList.EMPTY;
+       boolean allColumns = false;
+    <ANALYZE> <TABLE> { s = span(); }
+    tableName = CompoundIdentifier()
+    [
+        <PARTITION> {
+            partitionSpec = new SqlNodeList(getPos());
+            ExtendedPartitionSpecCommaList(partitionSpec);

Review Comment:
   I see.. hint parser doesn't support combined form options. Current version 
looks to me. Thanks for your explaination @godfreyhe 

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