Rudi Kershaw created FLINK-27754:

             Summary: Getting Flink config fails if multiple files in /lib 
match flink-dist-*
                 Key: FLINK-27754
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
            Reporter: Rudi Kershaw

h3. Background

When adding jars to the {{/lib}} directory any extra jar files that match the 
pattern {{flink-dist*.jar}} provoke an error when trying to use 
{{BashJavaUtils}} to get JVM parameters and dynamic configurations in 
{{{}{}}}. Although niche, this can be difficult to debug because there 
is no error message to describe the specific issue.

We already print a useful error message if no {{flink-dist*.jar}} can be found 
at all. This pull request adds another error message when more than one 
{{flink-dist*.jar}} is found at this point.
h3. Reproduction Steps
 # ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests -Dfast
 # cp flink-dist-scala/target/flink-dist-scala_2.12-1.16-SNAPSHOT.jar 
 # build-target/bin/
 # You should a vague error message "NoClassDefinition" or similar.

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