
Flink Jira Bot updated FLINK-3429:
      Labels: auto-deprioritized-major auto-deprioritized-minor  (was: 
auto-deprioritized-major stale-minor)
    Priority: Not a Priority  (was: Minor)

This issue was labeled "stale-minor" 7 days ago and has not received any 
updates so it is being deprioritized. If this ticket is actually Minor, please 
raise the priority and ask a committer to assign you the issue or revive the 
public discussion.

> Add histogram-based timestamp/watermark extractor
> -------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-3429
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-3429
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: API / DataStream
>            Reporter: Robert Metzger
>            Priority: Not a Priority
>              Labels: auto-deprioritized-major, auto-deprioritized-minor
> While FLINK-3428 provides a static low watermark generator, we should also 
> provide a watermark extractor which periodically takes samples of the 
> event-time distribution in a data stream into a histogram.
> From that histogram, users can specify that watermarks should cover a certain 
> percentile of the data.
> For example a user might want watermarks to rise when 90% of the events have 
> been seen. With the periodic update of the histogram, the extractor can react 
> to network latencies and other issues causing late, out-of-order arrivals.

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