
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-4152:

Github user tillrohrmann commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -405,36 +374,13 @@ class JobManager(
           currentResourceManager match {
             case Some(rm) =>
    -          val future = (rm ? decorateMessage(new 
RegisterResource(taskManager, msg)))(timeout)
    -          future.onComplete {
    -            case scala.util.Success(response) =>
    -              // the resource manager is available and answered
    -              self ! response
    -            case scala.util.Failure(t) =>
    -              t match {
    -                case _: TimeoutException =>
    -                  log.info("Attempt to register resource at 
ResourceManager timed out. Retrying")
    -                case _ =>
    -                  log.warn("Failure while asking ResourceManager for 
RegisterResource. Retrying", t)
    -              }
    -              // slow or unreachable resource manager, register anyway and 
let the rm reconnect
    -              self ! decorateMessage(new 
RegisterResourceSuccessful(taskManager, msg))
    -              self ! decorateMessage(new ReconnectResourceManager(rm))
    -          }(context.dispatcher)
    +          log.info(s"Register task manager $resourceId at the resource 
    +          rm ! decorateMessage(new RegisterResource(msg))
    --- End diff --
    If I'm not mistaken then there is hardly any difference between a 
registered worker and a container in launch. So in the current implementation 
it shouldn't matter much whether a container is in state "being launched" or 
"launched". Thus, it does not make much of a difference whether this message 
arrives or not.
    Given that the `JobManager` does not yet use the RM to allocate new 
resources, it might actually be a good idea to regard the RM as a tool to 
notify the JM about TM failures. Everything else can be added once we actually 
need it.

> TaskManager registration exponential backoff doesn't work
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-4152
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-4152
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Distributed Coordination, TaskManager, YARN Client
>            Reporter: Robert Metzger
>            Assignee: Till Rohrmann
>         Attachments: logs.tgz
> While testing Flink 1.1 I've found that the TaskManagers are logging many 
> messages when registering at the JobManager.
> This is the log file: 
> https://gist.github.com/rmetzger/0cebe0419cdef4507b1e8a42e33ef294
> Its logging more than 3000 messages in less than a minute. I don't think that 
> this is the expected behavior.

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