
Flink Jira Bot updated FLINK-14319:
    Labels: auto-deprioritized-major stale-minor  (was: 

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> Register user jar files in {Stream}ExecutionEnvironment 
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-14319
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14319
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: API / DataSet, API / DataStream
>            Reporter: Leo Zhang
>            Priority: Minor
>              Labels: auto-deprioritized-major, stale-minor
>          Time Spent: 20m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
>  I see that there are some use cases in which people want to implement 
> applications based on loading external jars for now, not just SQL but also 
> streaming ones. And the related API proposals have been issued in the 
> sub-task FLINK-14055 under task FLINK-10232 Add a SQL DDL.
> To support this sub-task FLINK-14055 , we need the other new task for 
> \{Stream}ExecutionEnvironment::registerUserJarFile() interface which will be 
> addressed in this issue.    
> Here is the plan.
> *Design*
>  * Add interface 
> {code:java}
>  void registerUserJarFile(String jarFile)
> {code}
>   into _StreamExecutionEnvironment_ ( in module flink-streaming-java). The 
> affected classes are _StreamGraph_, _StreamGraphGenerator_, 
> _StreamingJobGraphGenerator_ to support getting and setting a list of user 
> jars.  And all they are in module flink-streaming-java.
>  * Add interface 
> {code:java}
> void registerUserJarFile(String jarFile)
> {code}
>   into _ExecutionEnvironment_ (in module flink-java). The affected classes is 
> _Plan_, in module flink-core, to support getting and setting a list of user 
> jars.  
>  * Add interface 
> {code:java}
> void addUserJars(List<Path> userJars, JobGraph jobGraph)
> {code}
>   into _JobGraphGenerator_ and add the user jars within the method _JobGraph_ 
> _compileJobGraph(OptimizedPlan program, JobID jobId)_ so that user jars can 
> be shipped with user's program and submitted to cluster. _JobGraphGenerator_ 
> is in module flink-optimizer.
>  * Add interface 
> {code:java}
> void registerUserJarFile(String jarFile)
> {code}
>   into \{Stream}ExecutionEnvironment (in module flink-scala and 
> flink-streaming-scala) and just use the wrapped _javaEnv_ to achieve 
> registration. 
> *Testing*
>  * One test case for adding local user jars both in the streaming and batch 
> jobs. We need to process test classes into a jar before testing. For this 
> purpose, we can add a goal in process-test-classes for this testing case in 
> the pom file. The affected module is flink-tests.
>  * Another test case for adding use jars in HDFS. The same idea with the 
> previous one. The affected module is flink-fs-tests.
>  * Note that python API is not included in this issue just as registering 
> cached files. But we still need to modify some python test cases in order to 
> avoid building error as lacking some methods declared in java.  The affected 
> files are 
> _flink-python/pyflink/dataset/tests/test_execution_environment_completeness.py_
>  and 
> _flink-python/pyflink/datastream/tests/test_stream_execution_environment_completeness.py_.

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