Caizhi Weng created FLINK-24759:

             Summary: Metrics on web UI is not correct in a filesystem source 
to filesystem sink streaming job
                 Key: FLINK-24759
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Runtime / Metrics, Runtime / Web Frontend
    Affects Versions: 1.14.0
            Reporter: Caizhi Weng
         Attachments: metrics.png

I'm running a yarn-per-job streaming job which reads a large csv file 
(flights.csv in [Kaggle flight delay 
data|], ~500MB) from HDFS and writes 
to another location (csv format) on the same HDFS. The resulting file seems OK, 
but the metrics on the web UI seems strage.

I've tried other formats like reading from csv and writing to avro and the 
phenomenon is the same.


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