carp84 commented on a change in pull request #453:

File path: _posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+layout: post
+title:  "Apache Flink 1.13.2 Released"
+date:   2021-07-14 00:00:00
+categories: news
+- tangyun:
+  name: "Yun Tang"
+The Apache Flink community released the second bugfix version of the Apache 
Flink 1.13 series.
+This release includes 82 fixes and minor improvements for Flink 1.13.2. The 
list below includes bugfixes and improvements. For a complete list of all 
changes see:
+We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink 1.13.2.
+Updated Maven dependencies:
+  <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId>
+  <artifactId>flink-java</artifactId>
+  <version>1.13.2</version>
+  <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId>
+  <artifactId>flink-streaming-java_2.11</artifactId>
+  <version>1.13.2</version>
+  <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId>
+  <artifactId>flink-clients_2.11</artifactId>
+  <version>1.13.2</version>
+You can find the binaries on the updated [Downloads page]({{ site.baseurl 
+        Release Notes - Flink - Version 1.13.2
+<h2>        Sub-task
href=''>FLINK-22726</a>] -     
    Hive GROUPING__ID returns different value in older versions
+<h2>        Bug
href=''>FLINK-15493</a>] -     
 failed on travis
href=''>FLINK-20431</a>] -     
 expected:&lt;10&gt; but was:&lt;1&gt;
href=''>FLINK-20888</a>] -     
    ContinuousFileReaderOperator should not close the output on close()
href=''>FLINK-20975</a>] -     
    HiveTableSourceITCase.testPartitionFilter fails on AZP
href=''>FLINK-21389</a>] -     
    ParquetInputFormat should not need parquet schema as user input
href=''>FLINK-21445</a>] -     
    Application mode does not set the configuration when building 
href=''>FLINK-21952</a>] -     
    Make all the &quot;Connection reset by peer&quot; exception wrapped as 
href=''>FLINK-22045</a>] -     
    Set log level for shaded zookeeper logger
href=''>FLINK-22195</a>] -     
    YARNHighAvailabilityITCase.testClusterClientRetrieval because of 
href=''>FLINK-22272</a>] -     
    Some scenes can&#39;t drop table by hive catalog
href=''>FLINK-22312</a>] -     
 due to the heartbeat exception with Yarn RM
href=''>FLINK-22370</a>] -     
    ParquetColumnarRowSplitReader#reachedEnd() returns false after it returns 
href=''>FLINK-22376</a>] -     
    SequentialChannelStateReaderImpl may recycle buffer twice
href=''>FLINK-22387</a>] -     
    UpsertKafkaTableITCase hangs when setting up kafka
href=''>FLINK-22443</a>] -     
    can not be execute an extreme long sql under batch mode
href=''>FLINK-22462</a>] -     
    JdbcExactlyOnceSinkE2eTest.testInsert failed because of too many clients.
href=''>FLINK-22464</a>] -     
hangs with `AdaptiveScheduler`
href=''>FLINK-22480</a>] -     
    KafkaChangelogTableITCase hangs on Azure
href=''>FLINK-22492</a>] -     
    KinesisTableApiITCase with wrong results
href=''>FLINK-22496</a>] -     
    ClusterEntrypointTest.testCloseAsyncShouldBeExecutedInShutdownHook failed
href=''>FLINK-22545</a>] -     
    JVM crashes when runing 
href=''>FLINK-22547</a>] -     
verifyCheckpointEventOrderWhenCheckpointFutureCompletesLate fail
href=''>FLINK-22613</a>] -     
    FlinkKinesisITCase.testStopWithSavepoint fails
href=''>FLINK-22621</a>] -     
    HBaseConnectorITCase.testTableSourceSinkWithDDL unstable on azure
href=''>FLINK-22662</a>] -     
    YARNHighAvailabilityITCase.testKillYarnSessionClusterEntrypoint fail
href=''>FLINK-22683</a>] -     
    The total Flink/process memory of memoryConfiguration in /taskmanagers can 
be null or incorrect value
href=''>FLINK-22686</a>] -     
    Incompatible subtask mappings while resuming from unaligned checkpoints
href=''>FLINK-22689</a>] -     
    Table API Documentation Row-Based Operations Example Fails
href=''>FLINK-22698</a>] -     
    RabbitMQ source does not stop unless message arrives in queue
href=''>FLINK-22725</a>] -     
    SlotManagers should unregister metrics at the start of suspend()
href=''>FLINK-22730</a>] -     
    Lookup join condition with CURRENT_DATE fails to filter records
href=''>FLINK-22746</a>] -     
    Links to connectors in docs are broken
href=''>FLINK-22759</a>] -     
    Correct the applicability of RocksDB related options as per operator
href=''>FLINK-22760</a>] -     
    HiveParser::setCurrentTimestamp fails with hive-3.1.2
href=''>FLINK-22777</a>] -     
    Restore lost sections in Try Flink DataStream API example
href=''>FLINK-22779</a>] -     
    KafkaChangelogTableITCase.testKafkaDebeziumChangelogSource fail due to 
href=''>FLINK-22786</a>] -     
    sql-client can not create .flink-sql-history file
href=''>FLINK-22795</a>] -     
    Throw better exception when executing remote SQL file in SQL Client
href=''>FLINK-22796</a>] -     
    Update mem_setup_tm documentation
href=''>FLINK-22814</a>] -     
    New sources are not defining/exposing checkpointStartDelayNanos metric
href=''>FLINK-22815</a>] -     
    Disable unaligned checkpoints for broadcast partitioning
href=''>FLINK-22819</a>] -     
    YARNFileReplicationITCase fails with &quot;The YARN application 
unexpectedly switched to state FAILED during deployment&quot;
href=''>FLINK-22820</a>] -     
    Stopping Yarn session cluster will cause fatal error
href=''>FLINK-22833</a>] -     
    Source tasks (both old and new) are not reporting checkpointStartDelay via 
href=''>FLINK-22856</a>] -     
    Move our Azure pipelines away from Ubuntu 16.04 by September
href=''>FLINK-22863</a>] -     
    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may happen when building rescale edges
href=''>FLINK-22884</a>] -     
    Select view columns fail when store metadata with hive
href=''>FLINK-22886</a>] -     
    Thread leak in RocksDBStateUploader
href=''>FLINK-22890</a>] -     
    Few tests fail in HiveTableSinkITCase
href=''>FLINK-22894</a>] -     
    Window Top-N should allow n=1
href=''>FLINK-22898</a>] -     
    HiveParallelismInference limit return wrong parallelism
href=''>FLINK-22908</a>] -     
    FileExecutionGraphInfoStoreTest.testPutSuspendedJobOnClusterShutdown should 
wait until job is running
href=''>FLINK-22927</a>] -     
    Exception on JobClient.get_job_status().result()
href=''>FLINK-22932</a>] -     
    RocksDBStateBackendWindowITCase fails with savepoint timeout
href=''>FLINK-22945</a>] -     
    StackOverflowException can happen when a large scale job is 
href=''>FLINK-22946</a>] -     
    Network buffer deadlock introduced by unaligned checkpoint
href=''>FLINK-22948</a>] -     
    Scala example for toDataStream does not compile
href=''>FLINK-22952</a>] -     
    docs_404_check fail on azure due to ruby version not available
href=''>FLINK-22961</a>] -     
    Incorrect calculation of alignment timeout for LocalInputChannel
href=''>FLINK-22963</a>] -     
    The description of taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size in the official 
document is incorrect
href=''>FLINK-22964</a>] -     
    Connector-base exposes dependency to flink-core.
href=''>FLINK-22966</a>] -     
    NPE in StateAssignmentOperation when rescaling
href=''>FLINK-22980</a>] -     
    FileExecutionGraphInfoStoreTest hangs on azure
href=''>FLINK-22982</a>] -     
    java.lang.ClassCastException when using Python UDF
href=''>FLINK-22987</a>] -     
    Scala suffix check isn&#39;t working
href=''>FLINK-22993</a>] -     
    CompactFileWriter won&#39;t emit EndCheckpoint with Long.MAX_VALUE 
href=''>FLINK-23001</a>] -     
    flink-avro-glue-schema-registry lacks scala suffix
href=''>FLINK-23003</a>] -     
    Resource leak in RocksIncrementalSnapshotStrategy
href=''>FLINK-23010</a>] -     
    HivePartitionFetcherContextBase::getComparablePartitionValueList can return 
partitions that don&#39;t exist
href=''>FLINK-23018</a>] -     
    State factories should handle extended state descriptors
href=''>FLINK-23024</a>] -     
    RPC result TaskManagerInfoWithSlots not serializable
href=''>FLINK-23025</a>] -     
    sink-buffer-max-rows and sink-buffer-flush-interval options produce a lot 
of duplicates
href=''>FLINK-23030</a>] -     
    PartitionRequestClientFactory#createPartitionRequestClient should throw 
when network failure
href=''>FLINK-23034</a>] -     
    NPE in JobDetailsDeserializer during the reading old version of 
href=''>FLINK-23045</a>] -     
    RunnablesTest.testExecutorService_uncaughtExceptionHandler fails on azure
href=''>FLINK-23073</a>] -     
    Fix space handling in Row CSV timestamp parser
href=''>FLINK-23074</a>] -     
    There is a class conflict between flink-connector-hive and flink-parquet
href=''>FLINK-23092</a>] -     
    Built-in UDAFs could not be mixed use with Python UDAF in group window
href=''>FLINK-23096</a>] -     
    HiveParser could not attach the sessionstate of hive
href=''>FLINK-23108</a>] -     
    KafkaITCase.testCancelingEmptyTopic fails on azure
href=''>FLINK-23119</a>] -     
    Fix the issue that the exception that General Python UDAF is unsupported is 
not thrown in Compile Stage.
href=''>FLINK-23120</a>] -     
    ByteArrayWrapperSerializer.serialize should use writeInt to serialize the 
href=''>FLINK-23121</a>] -     
    Fix the issue that the InternalRow as arguments in Python UDAF
href=''>FLINK-23129</a>] -     
    When cancelling any running job of multiple jobs in an application cluster, 
JobManager shuts down
href=''>FLINK-23133</a>] -     
    The dependencies are not handled properly when mixing use of Python Table 
API and Python DataStream API
href=''>FLINK-23151</a>] -     
    KinesisTableApiITCase.testTableApiSourceAndSink fails on azure
href=''>FLINK-23155</a>] -     
    Streaming File Sink s3 end-to-end test fail on azure
href=''>FLINK-23166</a>] -     
    ZipUtils doesn&#39;t handle properly for softlinks inside the zip file
href=''>FLINK-23182</a>] -     
    Connection leak in RMQSource 
href=''>FLINK-23184</a>] -     
    CompileException Assignment conversion not possible from type 
&quot;int&quot; to type &quot;short&quot;
href=''>FLINK-23188</a>] -     
    Unsupported function definition: IFNULL. Only user defined functions are 
supported as inline functions
href=''>FLINK-23196</a>] -     
    JobMasterITCase fail on azure due to BindException
href=''>FLINK-23201</a>] -     
    The check on alignmentDurationNanos seems to be too strict
href=''>FLINK-23223</a>] -     
    When flushAlways is enabled the subpartition may lose notification of data 
href=''>FLINK-23233</a>] -     
fails on azure
href=''>FLINK-23235</a>] -     
    SinkITCase.writerAndCommitterAndGlobalCommitterExecuteInStreamingMode fails 
on azure
href=''>FLINK-23248</a>] -     
    SinkWriter is not closed when failing
href=''>FLINK-23259</a>] -     
    [DOCS]The &#39;window&#39; link on page 
docs/dev/datastream/operators/overview is failed and 404 is returned
href=''>FLINK-23260</a>] -     
    [DOCS]The link on page docs/libs/gelly/overview is failed and 404 is 
href=''>FLINK-23270</a>] -     
    Impove description of Regular Joins section
href=''>FLINK-23280</a>] -     
    Python ExplainDetails does not have JSON_EXECUTION_PLAN option
href=''>FLINK-23306</a>] -     
    FlinkRelMdUniqueKeys causes exception when used with new Schema
href=''>FLINK-23359</a>] -     
    Fix the number of available slots in 
href=''>FLINK-23368</a>] -     
    Fix the wrong mapping of state cache in PyFlink
href=''>FLINK-23391</a>] -     
    KafkaSourceReaderTest.testKafkaSourceMetrics fails on azure
href=''>FLINK-23429</a>] -     
    State Processor API failed with FileNotFoundException when working with 
state files on Cloud Storage
href=''>FLINK-23443</a>] -     
    LaunchCoordinatorTest fails on azure
+<h2>        New Feature
href=''>FLINK-22770</a>] -     
    Expose SET/RESET from the parser
+<h2>        Improvement
href=''>FLINK-18182</a>] -     
    Upgrade AWS SDK in flink-connector-kinesis to include new region af-south-1
href=''>FLINK-20140</a>] -     
    Add documentation of TableResult.collect for Python Table API
href=''>FLINK-21393</a>] -     
    Implement ParquetAvroInputFormat 
href=''>FLINK-21411</a>] -     
    The components on which Flink depends may contain vulnerabilities. If yes, 
fix them.
href=''>FLINK-22358</a>] -     
    Add missing stability annotation to Split Reader API classes
href=''>FLINK-22527</a>] -     
    Give friendly hint when click FlameGraph without rest.flamegraph.enabled
href=''>FLINK-22528</a>] -     
    Document latency tracking metrics for state accesses
href=''>FLINK-22578</a>] -     
    deployment configuration page miss content navigate menu
href=''>FLINK-22589</a>] -     
    There are quite a few Python classes doesn&#39;t appear in the Python docs
href=''>FLINK-22638</a>] -     
    Keep channels blocked on alignment timeout
href=''>FLINK-22655</a>] -     
    When using -i &lt;init.sql&gt; option to initialize SQL Client session It 
should be possible to annotate the script with --
href=''>FLINK-22722</a>] -     
    Add Documentation for Kafka New Source
href=''>FLINK-22747</a>] -     
    Update commons-io to 2.8
href=''>FLINK-22766</a>] -     
    Report metrics of KafkaConsumer in Kafka new source
href=''>FLINK-22774</a>] -     
    Update Kinesis SQL connector&#39;s Guava to 27.0-jre
href=''>FLINK-22799</a>] -     
    Missing documentation: State backwards compatibility is not support for 
Flink SQL
href=''>FLINK-22873</a>] -     
    Add ToC to configuration documentation
href=''>FLINK-22905</a>] -     
    Fix missing comma in SQL example in &quot;Versioned Table&quot; page
href=''>FLINK-22939</a>] -     
    Generalize JDK switch in azure setup
href=''>FLINK-22959</a>] -     
    Keep the job jar files  on JobManager 
href=''>FLINK-22996</a>] -     
    The description about coalesce is wrong
href=''>FLINK-23009</a>] -     
    Bump up Guava in Kinesis Connector
href=''>FLINK-23052</a>] -     
    cron_snapshot_deployment_maven unstable on maven
href=''>FLINK-23138</a>] -     
    Raise an exception if types other than PickledBytesTypeInfo are specified 
for state descriptor 
href=''>FLINK-23156</a>] -     
    Change the reference of &#39;docs/dev/table/sql/queries&#39;
href=''>FLINK-23157</a>] -     
    Fix missing comma in SQL example in &quot;Versioned View&quot; page
href=''>FLINK-23162</a>] -     
    Create table uses time_ltz in the column name and it&#39;s expression which 
results in exception 
href=''>FLINK-23168</a>] -     
    Catalog shouldn&#39;t merge properties for alter DB operation
href=''>FLINK-23178</a>] -     
    Raise an error for writing stream data into partitioned hive tables without 
a partition committer
href=''>FLINK-23200</a>] -     
    Correct grammatical mistakes in &#39;Table API&#39; page of &#39;Table API 
&amp; SQL&#39;
href=''>FLINK-23226</a>] -     
    Flink Chinese doc learn-flink/etl transformation.svg display issue
href=''>FLINK-23312</a>] -     
    Use -Dfast for building e2e tests on AZP
href=''>FLINK-23315</a>] -     
    Bump log4j to 2.14.1 for version 1.13.2

Review comment:
       We should remove this line since the JIRA is still not resolved and I've 
updated its fix version to 1.13.3 in JIRA.

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