
JING ZHANG commented on FLINK-22894:

[~alpinegizmo] Thanks for reporting the bug. I would like to fix it soon.

> Window Top-N should allow n=1
> -----------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-22894
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-22894
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Table SQL / Runtime
>    Affects Versions: 1.13.1
>            Reporter: David Anderson
>            Priority: Major
> I tried to reimplement the Hourly Tips exercise from the DataStream training 
> using Flink SQL. The objective of this exercise is to find the one taxi 
> driver who earned the most in tips during each hour, and report that driver's 
> driverId and the sum of their tips. 
> This can be expressed as a window top-n query, where n=1, as in
> {{FROM (}}
> {{  SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER }}{{(PARTITION BY window_start, window_end 
> ORDER BY sumOfTips DESC) as rownum}}
> {{  FROM ( }}
> {{    SELECT driverId, window_start, window_end, sum(tip) as sumOfTips}}
> {{    FROM TABLE( }}
> {{      TUMBLE(TABLE fares, DESCRIPTOR(startTime), INTERVAL '1' HOUR))}}
> {{    GROUP BY driverId, window_start, window_end}}
> {{  )}}
> {{) WHERE rownum = 1;}}
> This fails because the {{WindowRankOperatorBuilder}} insists on {{rankEnd > 
> 1. }}So, in other words, while it is possible to report the top 2 drivers, or 
> the driver in 2nd place, it's not possible to report only the top driver.
> This appears to be an off-by-one error in the range checking.

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