
Flink Jira Bot updated FLINK-14748:
    Labels: stale-major  (was: )

I am the [Flink Jira Bot|https://github.com/apache/flink-jira-bot/] and I help 
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Major but is unassigned and neither itself nor its Sub-Tasks have been updated 
for 30 days. I have gone ahead and added a "stale-major" to the issue". If this 
ticket is a Major, please either assign yourself or give an update. Afterwards, 
please remove the label or in 7 days the issue will be deprioritized.

> Migrate duration and memory size related ConfigOptions to typed options
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-14748
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14748
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Runtime / Configuration
>            Reporter: Dawid Wysakowicz
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: stale-major
> The goal of this task is to migrate ConfigOptions that describe intervals or 
> memory sizes to the typed ConfigOptions. We should also regenerate the 
> documentation after migrating.
> Example:
> {code}
> public static final ConfigOption<String> RESTART_STRATEGY_FAILURE_RATE_DELAY 
> = ConfigOptions
>               .key("restart-strategy.failure-rate.delay")
>               .defaultValue("1 s")
>               .withDescription(...);
> {code}
> should become
> {code}
> public static final ConfigOption<Duration> 
>               .key("restart-strategy.failure-rate.delay")
>                 .durationType()
>               .defaultValue(Duration.ofSeconds(1))
>               .withDescription(...);
> {code}
> We should also migrate other types whenever possible.
> For example we should migrate:
> {code}
> public static final ConfigOption<Integer> CONNECT_TIMEOUT =
>               key("blob.client.connect.timeout")
>                       .defaultValue(0)
>                       .withDescription("The connection timeout in 
> milliseconds for the blob client.");
> {code}
> but we should not migrate, because it is expressed in seconds which is not 
> the default unit:
> {code}
> public static final ConfigOption<Long> CLEANUP_INTERVAL =
>               key("blob.service.cleanup.interval")
>                       .defaultValue(3_600L) // once per hour
> .withDeprecatedKeys("library-cache-manager.cleanup.interval")
>                       .withDescription("Cleanup interval of the blob caches 
> at the task managers (in seconds).");
> {code}
> *NOTE:* We should retain and deprecate the existing fields and add new 
> options with the intended type as they are all annotated with 
> {{@PublicEvolving}}.

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