
Flink Jira Bot updated FLINK-7883:
    Labels: stale-major  (was: )

I am the [Flink Jira Bot|https://github.com/apache/flink-jira-bot/] and I help 
the community manage its development. I see this issues has been marked as 
Major but is unassigned and neither itself nor its Sub-Tasks have been updated 
for 30 days. I have gone ahead and added a "stale-major" to the issue". If this 
ticket is a Major, please either assign yourself or give an update. Afterwards, 
please remove the label or in 7 days the issue will be deprioritized.

> Make savepoints atomic with respect to state and side effects
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-7883
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7883
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: API / DataStream, Connectors / Kafka, Runtime / State 
> Backends
>    Affects Versions: 1.3.2, 1.4.0
>            Reporter: Antoine Philippot
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: stale-major
> For a cancel with savepoint command, the JobManager trigger the cancel call 
> once the savepoint is finished, but during the savepoint execution, kafka 
> source continue to poll new messages which will not be part of the savepoint 
> and will be replayed on the next application start.
> A solution could be to stop fetching the source stream task before triggering 
> the savepoint.
> I suggest to add an interface {{StoppableFetchingSourceFunction}} with a 
> method {{stopFetching}} that existant SourceFunction implementations could 
> implement.
> We can add a {{stopFetchingSource}} property in 
>  {{CheckpointOptions}} class to pass the desired behaviour from 
> {{JobManager.handleMessage(CancelJobWithSavepoint)}} to 
> {{SourceStreamTask.triggerCheckpoint}}

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